
This section contains key documents and news articles relevant to the defense of Dr. Enstrom's UCLA epidemiologic research dealt with by the Scientific Integrity Institute. Additional items will be posted soon.
1) Documents Related to Air Pollution Epidemiology, California Air Resources Board, and US Environmental Protection Agency
Smog at LA City Hall 1948
1967 Buell and Breslow CANCER Paper on Air Pollution and Lung Cancer in Los Angeles
August 21, 1970 SCIENCE Article on "Air Pollution and Human Health" by Lester Lave"
1972 Hammond Chapter on Smoking and Air Pollution and Lung Cancer in "Environmental Factors in Respiratory Diseases"
1977 UC San Diego Ph.D. Dissertation Summary by Linda Tombras Smith "Purification and Properties of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase from Clostridium Kluyveri"
1980 Hammond and Garfinkel Preventive Medicine Paper on Air Pollution and Cancer
April 20, 1980 Arizona Republic U Central Arizona Fraud Lawsuit
September 23, 1981 CANCER Review by Enstrom of Maghbouleh Mormon Mortality Studies Critique
December 1, 1981 Watsonetal 1981 EPASJV Inhalable Particulate Report
May 28, 1982 and December 7, 1983 Los Angeles Times CARB and Toxic Air
September 9, 1983 CARB Scientific Review Panel Bills AB1807 AB3792 AB2728
November 1, 1984 EPA Hinton 1984 20015OU3
November 1, 1984 EPA 1979-82 IPN Report Data NEPIS Total Vol 1 1984
March 6, 1985 Froines Letters re 062783 Enstrom ES&E Application
UCLA Campus Directories re ES&E Faculty 1985-1990
April 1, 1986 EPA 1983-84 IPN Report Data NEPIS Total Vol 3 1986
April 1, 1986 EPA Hinton 1986 9101R4L8
April 1, 1988 BNL 52122 Macroepimiology AP and Mortality Lipfert
May 1, 1988 AJE Paper by Piantadosi on The Ecological Fallacy
August 20, 1988 Los Angeles Times Article on Environmental Activists Push Strict Smog Rules
December 12, 1989 Scientific Review Panel Process for New Evidence Petitions to Appeal Toxic Air Contaminant Risk Assessments
1991 Enviro Res Air Pollution & Daily Deaths in LA Kinney
August 1, 1991 Environmental Health Perspectives Paper by Abbey on Particulate Matter and Mortality in California Adventists
August 15, 1991 Garshick Letter and July 1991 Crump Report on Diesel Health Effects in Relation to Lung Cancer
November 1, 1991 NEJM 1991 325 1487 Retraction of Strickler NEJM 1985 313 1375
1992 AJE Particulate Pollution & Daily Mortality Steubenville OH Schwartz Add
Cosmos 1992 What To Do About GH Warming Singer
February 14, 1992 SCIENCE Valuing Clean Air Health Benefits Hall
July 19, 1993 NYTimes Studies Say Soot Kills 60000 in US
December 9, 1993 NEJM Paper by Dockery and Pope on "An Association Between Air Pollution and Mortality in Six U.S. Cities"
April 28, 1994 NEJM Letter Re Air Pollution and Mortality Dockery
November 1, 1994 OEHHA Responses to Public Comments on 1994 OEHHA Diesel Risk Assessment
February 8, 1995 Winer Memo to Froines re EHS Guidelines on Faculty Responsibilities
March 1,1995 AJRCCM Article by Pope et al "Fine Particles and Mortality in ACS CPS II Cohort"
July 1, 1995 EHP Air Quality and Mortality Styer
July 1, 1995 Styer 1995 PM EHP
June 13, 1996 CASAC PM Panel Wolff Letter to EPA Whitman re Proposed PM2.5 NAAQS
April 7, 1997 Wall Street Journal "Pollution Study Sparks Debate"
July 1, 1997 JAWMA Ambient Particles & Health Lines that Divide Vedal
July 25, 1997 Science article "Showdown Over Clean Air Science" by Jocelyn Kaiser
July 25, 1997 HEI Request for Qualifications for Reanalysis of Pope 1995 and Dockery 1993
August 11, 1997 Garshick Letter and Comments to CARB re Diesel Health Effects
August/September 1997 ReasonOnLine "Polluted Science" by Michael Fumento
March 11, 1998 CARB Scientific Review Panel Minutes Diesel Discussion
April 22, 1998 CARB Scientific Review Panel Minutes Diesel TAC Declaration
May 27, 1998 John Froines Letter Re CARB SRP Declaration of Diesel Exhaust as TAC
April-July-August 1998 Los Angeles Times Articles on Diesel Toxic Air Declaration by CARB
July 1, 1998 Tulane Enviro Law J Release of Health Data Thurston
November 1, 1998 So Cal Occup & Enviro Health Center Diesel TAC
1999 AJRCCM Abbey Paper on Inhalable Particles & Pollutants and Mortality in Adventist Health Study
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2000 Inhalation Toxicology Veterans Study Liptert
2000 IT paper by Valberg on "Lack of Concordance of Lung Cancer Risk and Diesel Exhaust Exposure"
2000 Federal Judiciary Center Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence Reference Guide on Epidemiology by Gordis
HEI Reanalysis Report Appendix F Metro Area Definitions 2000
HEI Reanalysis Report Appendix D AP Data in ACS CPS II 2000
March 1, 2000 EHP Geyh So Cal Ozone Exposure Study and January 1997 EHP Liu and December 1976 EHP Hackney
July 2000 HEIUS Maps Fine Particle Distribution & Mortality Risk
July 2000 HEI Reanalysis Report Risk
August 2000 HEI Reanalysis Report Appendix F Metro Area Definitions
August 2000 HEI Reanalysis Report Appendix DAP Data in ACS CPS II
August 1, 2000 EHP Moolgavkar Paper on Air Pollution and Daily Mortality in Three Counties (Los Angeles)
September 2000 JEAEEP McDonnell Paper on PM2.5 & PM 10 & Mortality in AHSMOG
November 1, 2001 SCAQMD AQMP Draft Appendix I Health Effects for 2003 AQMP
December 19, 2001 SCAQMD Advisory Council Roster for 2003 AQMP Health Effects
January 2002 Loma Linda University Dr.P.H. Dissertation "Air Pollution & Lung Malignant Neoplasms in CA Adventists" by W. Lawrence Beeson
January 1, 2002 2002-2007 UC American Legacy Foundation Policy History
January 6, 2002 Folsom Letter to Wallerstein re 121901 SCAQMD AQMP Draft Appendix I
February 8, 2002 Carroll Letter to Wallerstein re 121901 SCAQMD AQMP Draft Appendix I
May 2, 2002 NIOSH Report on Diesel Engines and Mine Air Quality by Watts
May 16, 2002 CARB Presentation "Long-Term Health Effects of PM2.5: Recent Findings"
August 9, 2002 Cohen Email to Enstrom Re Krewski Reanalysis City RRs
April 25, 2003 Enstrom Draft Manuscript Air Pollution and Total Mortality in California CPS I, 1960-1998
July 1, 2003 UC American Legacy Foundation Policy
August 1, 2003 SCAQMD 2003 AQMP Final Socioeconomic Report
September 10, 2003 Wallerstein NonLetter to SCAQMD Advisory Council & Comments re Report on Health Impacts of Particulate Matter
September 17, 2003 Enstrom Email to Frerichs re BMJ Paper & SPH Faculty
October 1, 2003 EPA Kids tested for diesel exposure FOIA Docs
October 10, 2003 Kominiski Emails to Rice & Eckhert re Enstrom SPH Home
December 3, 2003 Diamond-Kominski Emails to Enstrom re Funds-Dean
December 8, 2003 Miech Emails to Enstrom re Funding and Grievance
February 5, 2004 Enstrom Email to Peccei re SPH Appointment & Funding
April 1, 2004 Rosenstock Email to Enstrom re SPH Appointment & Funding
April 23, 2004 Formaldehyde Council Petition by Livingston to CARB Scientific Review Panel Appealing TAC Assessment of Formaldehyde
May 12, 2004 Ritz Email re 051804 Meeting About Epidemiology
May 19, 2004 CARB Scientific Review Panel Transcript Regarding Formaldehyde Council Petition Appealing TAC Assessment of Formaldehyde
October 2004 NBTM Phalen Paper"Particulate Air Pollution Controversy"
October 12, 2004 NEJM Correspondence re MS 04-3494 PM2.5
January 1, 2005 Heartland Singer Review of Crichton State of Fear
March 1, 2005 Epi583talk_MKHONG
June 13, 2005 CARB Enstrom document regarding fitness of Glantz to serve on SRP
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California Code and Complaints Regarding June 24, 2005 CARB Scientific Review Panel
September 12, 2005 CARB Scientific Review Panel Froines Letter Rejecting Formaldehyde Council Petition Appealing Formaldehyde TAC
November 1, 2005 Epidemiology Article by Jerrett et al "Air Pollution and Mortality in Los Angeles Basin"
November 2005 CARB Goods Movement Emission Reduction Plan (GMERP) Appendix A
December 1, 2005 Froines Comments on CARB GMERP Ports Appendix A Draft
December 15, 2005 Enstrom paper "Fine particulate air pollution and total mortality among elderly Californians, 1973-2002" Inhalation Toxicology 2005;17: 803-816
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Dominici F, McDermott A, Daniels M, Zeger SL, Samet JM.  Revised analyses of the National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air Pollution Study: mortality among residents of 90 cities.
J Toxicol Environ Health A (2005);68(13-14):1071-92.
December 26, 2005 Hricko Email Exchange with Enstrom re Enstrom 2005 IT Paper on PM2.5 Deaths
2006 UC Davis Ph.D. Dissertation by Lori E. Miyasato "Assessment of Alarm Calling by California Ground Squirrels"
January 1, 2006 EHP Ostro Paper on PM2.5 and Daily Mortality in California Counties
January 1, 2006 Inhalation Toxicology Editorial by Moolgavkar on Enstrom 2005 "Fine Particles and Mortality"
January 30, 2006 CARB Emission Reduction Plan for Ports and Goods Movement PPT
February 17, 2006 Apodaca v. CARB Diesel TAC History and Decision
February 24, 2006 ACS Cancer Facts & Figures 2006 with Environmental Pollution Section
March 15, 2006 AJRCCM Laden Article Fine Particles and Mortality in Harvard Six Cities Study 1974-1998 & Supplement
March 21, 2006 CARB Goods Movement Emission Reduction Plan (GMERP) Appendix A
March 23, 2006 CARB Presentation on Jerrett Study and Relationship Between PM & Premature Death
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March 22, 2006 LA Weekly Article "The Eternal Dustbowl" re Owens Lake Dust by Jeffrey Anderson
March 25, 2006 Los Angeles Times Jerrett 2005 Study Doubles Estimate of LA Smog Deaths
March 29, 2006 CSU Fullerton Report by Hall and Brajer "The Health and Related Economic Benefits of Attaining Healthful Air in the San Joaquin Valley"
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May 1, 2006 Am J Epidemiology Commentary Reproducible Epidemiologic Research by Peng Dominici Zeger
May 1, 2006 AEI Report on Air Pollution and Portrayals of Health Evidence by Joel Schwartz
June 2006 CARB A&WMA Particulate Air Pollution Review PPT Pope & Dockery
June 2006 JA&WMA Particulate Air Pollution Review Paper Pope & Dockery
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June 1, 2006 A critique of Fine particulate air pollution and total mortality among elderly Californians, 1973-2002 by Bert Brunekreef, PhD, and Gerard Hoek, PhD. Inhalation Toxicology 2006;18:507-508
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June 1, 2006 Enstrom Response to Critique of 2005 Enstrom paper by Bert Brunekreef, PhD, and Gerard Hoek, PhD. Inhalation Toxicology 2006;18:509-514
June 1, 2006 IT PM2.5 & Mortality Critique Brunekreef
August 21, 2006 CARB Public Workshop on Estimating Premature Death from PM2.5 Exposures
August 21, 2006 CARB Workshop on the Methodology for Estimating Premature Death Associated with PM2.5 Exposures
August 29, 2006 Comments by Joel M. Schwartz of AEI Submitted to CARB re August 21, 2006 PM2.5 Mortality Workshop
September 7, 2006 CEI Issue Analysis PM2.5 Deaths = Epi Failure Arnett
September 21, 2006 US EPA Particulate Matter NAAQS Factsheet
September 21, 2006 EPA IEc Expert Elicitation of C-R on Pm 2.5 & Mortality
October 1, 2006 Samet US DOJ Declaration
December 11, 2006 AGU Fall Meeting Urban-Rural Ozone Distribution PPT by David Parrish
December 11, 2006 AGU Fall Meeting Urban-Rural Ozone Trends in SCAB PPT by David Parrish
December 13, 2006 SCAQMD 2007 AQMD AQMP Stratus Consulting Health Benefits PP Presentation by Leland Deck
January 25, 2007 CARB Meeting Book on Jerrett and Lipsett Proposals on Air Pollution and Mortality in California
February 1, 2007 NEJM Editorial Cardiovascular Events & PM2.5 Dockery
February 15, 2007 Lecture "Air Polllution and Health" by BYU Professor C. Arden Pope in Richfield, UT
February 15, 2007 Lecture "Air Polllution and Health" by BYU Professor C. Arden Pope Transcript
February 28, 2007 Wallerstein Letter to Adams re SCAQMD Advisory Council Review of 2007 AQMP Draft Appendix I
February 28, 2007 Wallerstein Letter to Folsom re SCAQMD Advisory Council Review of 2007 AQMP Draft Appendix I
March 1, 2007 SCAQMD Advisory Council Roster for 2007 AQMP Health Effects
March 9, 2007 SCIENCEEnvironmentMeetsHealthAgainJackson
March 28, 2007 N Engl J Med Rejection Regarding February 22, 2007 Letter About Miller PM2.5 & CVD Events in WHI Paper
May 17, 2007 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess Jerrett Article on Uncertainty in Health Benefits of Air Quality Improvements
May 17, 2007 NEJM Letters Air Pollution & Cardivascular Events
June 1, 2007 JAWMA History of NAAQS Bachmann
June 19, 2007 Arden Pope PPT "Air Pollution and Health: A Quick Tour of the Scientific Evidence" in Salt Lake City, UT
June 28, 2007 Thornhill University Philosophiae Doctor Diploma for Hien Thanh Tran
June 30, 2007 CARB Proposed Research Plan FY 2006-2007
July 31, 2007 Orange County Register Editorial on CARB Imposing Regulatory Bulldozer
September 2007 Diamond-Kominski-Bastani Emails to Enstrom re Funds
September 12, 2007 CARB Memo from Linda Smith Re Hien Tran Appointment as HEA Manager
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September 20, 2007 Bastani Email to Godwin re Enstrom & UC RE-89 Policy
September 25, 2007 TCEQ Garcia Letter to EPA Johnson Re EPAOzone Standard
Franklin M, Zeka A, Schwartz J. Association between PM(2.5) and all-cause and specific-cause mortality in 27 US communities. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. (2007), 17, 279-287.
December 18, 2007 UCLA Mission Statement WASC   
February 1, 2008 JAACAPEnvironmentShapesMentalHealthJackson
February 27, 2008 Pacific Merchant Shipping Association v CARB Decision Regarding Auxillary Diesel Engines Authority
April 22, 2008 Enstrom Comments Regarding CARB GMERP
April 24, 2008 CARB Misuse of Epidemiology & GMERP
May 8, 2008 Enstrom Misuse of Epidemiology Regarding CARB GMERP
May 21, 2008 Krewski PowerPoint Regarding 2009 HEI Special Report of Extended Follow-up and Analysis of PM2.5 and Mortality in ACS CPS II Cohort
May 22, 2008 CARB Draft Report on Fine PM and Premature Deaths in CA
May 22, 2008 CARB Power Point on Fine PM and Premature Deaths in CA
May 29, 2008 TCEQ Honeycutt Letter to Enstrom Re Diesel PM in Texas
May 30, 2008 Miller Letter & Commentary & Map on PM and Mortality in CA
June 1, 2008 EST Paper by Roman on Expert Judgment Assessment of the Mortality Impact of PM2.5
June 4, 2008 Enstrom Comments During California Senate Rules Committee Confirmation Hearing for CARB Chair Mary Nichols Nichols
June 4, 2008 Froines Letter to Perata Re CARB Chair Nichols
June 4, 2008 Froines Letter Attachement Re CARB Diesel Particulate Matter
June 6, 2008 CARB Scientific Review Panel Legislative Description 323C
June 13, 2008 California Health and Safety Code & CARB Scientific Review Panel
June 13, 2008 Ag Transportation Meeting on Trucking & Ports
June 13, 2008 Inside Cal EPA article "University Professors Charge Cal/EPA Science Panel Skirts Laws" by Greg Hyatt
June 17, 2008 UCLA Petition to Perata Challenging CARB Diesel TAC Declaration
June 25, 2008 CARB Jerrett ACS CPS II Mortality Analysis Qu Progress Report
June 25, 2008 CARB Jerrett ACS CPS II Mortality Analysis Qu Progress Report
July 7, 2008 Stanley Young Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger Regarding CARB Draft Report on Fine PM and Premature Deaths in CA
July 11, 2008 Comments by Joel M. Schwartz of AEI Submitted to CARB re May 22, 2008 CARB Draft Report on PM2.5 Mortality
July 11, 2008 CARB  PM2.5 Deaths AAM Comments by Jon Heuss & EPA Slide 46
July 11, 2008 CARB Enstrom PM Mortality Teleconference Agenda Summary
July 11, 2008 CARB Enstrom PM Mortality Teleconference Agenda Details
July 11, 2008 CARB Enstrom Comments on Staff Report on PM2.5 and Premature Deaths
July 11, 2008 CARB PM2.5 Premature Mortality Teleconference Transcript 071108
July 14, 2008 SB 974 Factsheet Ports Cargo Fee Regarding Diesel
July 16, 2008 Pacific Legal Foundation letter regarding the California Health and Safety Code and CARB SRP appointments
July 17, 2008 CARB Proposed Code Regulations Regarding Diesel
July 21, 2008 Nichols Letter Re June 4, 2008 Enstrom CARB Testimony
July 24, 2008 letter from UC President Yudof regarding the California Health and Safety Code and appointments to the CARB SRP
July 28, 2008 ATA Complaint Re Los Angeles & Long Beach Ports
August 12, 2008 SCAQMD MATES III Technical Advisory Group Report
August 20, 2008 LULAC Foreclosure on Wheels Long Beach Truck Program
August 20, 2008 Enstrom Email to Pope Regarding PM2.5 and CA Mortality
August 21, 2008 Driving Toward A Cleaner California Letter to CARB Re Diesel Regulations
August 25, 2008 Enstrom Email to Smith Regarding PM2.5 and CA Mortality
August 25, 2008 SCAQMD MATES III Comments Enstrom
August 27, 2008 Enstrom Email Exchange with Powell re CARB & SRP
September 1, 2008 J Enviromental Management Paper by Hall and Brajer "Measuring the gains from improved air quality in the San Joaquin Valley”
September 3, 2008 Enstrom Emails to Garshick Regarding Diesel Effects in CA
September 3, 2008 Complaint Regarding Professional Responsibility of Sharon Eubanks
October 1, 2008 Enstrom Comments on CARB Diesel Emissions Issues
October 1, 2008 Fucaloro Comments on CARB Diesel Emissions Issues
October 8, 2008 Federal Register Statement That CARB Has No US EPA Waiver of Preemption for Engines Below 130 kW (175 HP)
October 24, 2008 CARB Final Report on Fine PM and Premature Deaths in CA
October 24, 2008 CARB Public Comments on Fine PM and Premature Deaths in CA
November 4, 2008 Cal EPA Secretary Linda Adams Letter to Stan Young Re CARB PM Report
November 6, 2008 Enstrom Email Exchange with Dominici re CA MCAPS Results
November 7, 2008 Inside Cal EPA article "PM Analysis May Spark Suit" by Greg Hyatt
November 13, 2008 CSU Fullerton Report by Hall and Brajer "The Benefits of Meeting Federal Clean Air Standards in the South Coast and San Joaquin Valley Air Basins"
November 25, 2008 Skip Brown Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger Regarding CARB Diesel Regulations
December 1, 2008 Enstrom Email to Thun Regarding PM2.5 and CA Mortality
December 1, 2008 Environment Health Perspectives paper by Zeger on PM2.5 and Mortality during 2000-2005 in Medicare Cohort
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December 1, 2008 EHP2000-2005 Medicare Mortality & PM 2.5 Zeger
December 3, 2008 Heath Professionals (17 Groups) Letter to CARB Re Diesel Regulations
December 4, 2008 Open Letter from California Health Experts on Reducing Diesel Emissions for Diesel Trucks
(signed by Drs. Richard J. Jackson, Linda Rosenstock, Beate Ritz, Arthur M. Winer of EHS)
December 4, 2008 Jackson EHS Reception Flyer
December 5, 2008 Enstrom Email to Cal EPA Secretary Adams Regarding Ph.D. of Hien Tran
December 7, 2008 Priority Moving Letter to CARB Re Diesel Regulations
December 8, 2008 UPS Record of CARB Comments sent from Enstrom to John Balmes
December 9, 2008 CARB Comments from SCAQMD Wallerstein Supporting On-Road Diesel Regulations
December 10, 2008 Enstrom public comments regarding proposed CARB Statewide Truck and Bus Regulations
December 10, 2008 All Public Comments on CARB Statewide Truck and Bus Diesel Regulations
December 11, 2008 CARB Meeting Minutes on CARB Statewide Truck and Bus Diesel Regulations
December 12, 2008 CARB Meeting Minutes on CARB Statewide Truck and Bus Diesel Regulations
December 12, 2008 CARB News Release 08-103: "ARB adopts landmark rules to clean up pollution from "big rigs"
December 16, 2008 CARB Description of Diesel Particulate Matter Health Effects
December 17, 2008 Peter Letter Re June 17, 2008 Enstrom Petition to Perata on CARB SRP & Diesel TAC
December 18, 2008 Orange County Register Editorial on CARB Diesel Regulations
December 19, 2008 CARB Staff Response on Scientific Integrity of Tran Report on Diesel PM and Premature Deaths
December 21, 2008 San Diego Union-Tribune editorial "Unworthy of Trust"
December 24, 2008 San Diego Union-Tribune CARB Editorial and January 7, 2009 Union-Tribune Hot Seat
January 1, 2009 California Transportation News CDTOA Letters & Articles Regarding December 10, 2008 Enstrom CARB Public Comments
January 6, 2009 Dissertations for Authors and Reviewers of October 24, 2008 CARB Staff Report on PM2.5
January 18, 2009 Lois Henry Bakersfield Californian Column on Air Pollution"Hype clouds our real pollution picture"
January 21, 2009 CSUF Jane Hall Email Exchange with Enstrom re Lois Henry Blog and Column on Air Pollution Hype re PM2.5
January 22, 2009 Cal EPA Secretary Adams Letter Re July 16, 2008 Schiff PLF Letter on CARB SRP
February 17, 2009 DeVore Villines Correa letter requesting "Temporary Suspension of CARB On-Road and Off-Road Diesel Truck Regulations"
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March 9, 2009 San Francisco Chronicle Op-Ed by Lewis on Constructing Balanced Off-Road Policies
March 10, 2009 CARB Research Division Organizational Chart Showing Hien T. Tran, Ph.D.
March 11, 2009 Delta Construction Company (Norman R. Brown) letter to UCLA Chancellor Gene Block Requesting Meeting About Two UCLA Professors
March 12, 2009 Senator Wright Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger Regarding CARB Gas Pump EVR Deadline Extension
March 14, 2009 San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial on Air Board's Shame
March 15, 2009 Lois Henry Bakersfield Californian Column on Dodgy Science Strangles Industry
March 16, 2009 N Engl J Med Rejection Regarding February 11, 2009 Letter About Pope PM2.5 & Life Expectancy Paper
March 17, 2009 UCLA Block Letter to Skip Brown Regarding CARB
March 25, 2009 Bakersfield California Forum Commentary by Mary Nichols on "Californians Can't Wait on Diesel Regs"
March 25, 2009 Lois Henry Blog Response to March 25, 2009 Mary Nichols Forum Commentary           
April 6, 2009 CARB Nichols Response to February 17, 2009 DeVore Letter Re Diesel Regulations
April 9, 2009 CARB "Notice of Adverse Action" Against Hien T. Tran Regarding Misrepresentation of Ph.D. Degree
April 13, 2009 Delta Construction Company (Norman R. Brown) letter to UCLA Chancellor Gene Block regarding unethical conduct of Professor of Law Mary Nichols (CARB Chair) and EHS Professor John Froines (SRP Chair)
April 25, 2009 San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial on "The Air Board Knew"
May 3, 2009 Arden Pope HEI PPT Presentaton on Fine Particulate Matter and US Life Expectancy
May 27, 2009 Enstrom Comments to CARB Regarding PM2.5 and Life Expectancy in California
May 27, 2009 UCLA Letter by Cormier Responding to April 14, 2009 Delta Letter About Professors Nichols and Froines (Posted with Permission from Brown)
June 9, 2009 Delta Critique to CARB RSC of Jerrett CARB CA PM2.5 and Deaths Draft Final Report
June 16, 2009 and June 17, 2009 Froines Emails to Full UCLA
Environmental Health Sciences Faculty re Changes in UCLA COEH
June 18, 2009 Pacific Legal Foundation lawsuit regarding failure of SRP to follow legally specified appointment process, including July 16, 2008 letter to SRP Chair Froines
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June 23, 2009 CPC Enstrom PPT Presentation on CARB Misuse of Diesel Science
June 26, 2009 Inside Cal EPA Lawsuit Over Science Panel Hyatt
June 30, 2009 Delta (Brown) letter to UCLA officials (Cormier, Block, Rosenstock) alleging unethical conduct by Froines in connection with SRP, PM2.5 health effects, and CARB science
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July 1, 2009 EPA California Waiver E9-15943 2009
August 1, 2009 Forum on CARB Diesel Science Summary
August 1, 2009 Forum on CARB Diesel Science Enstrom PPT Presentation "None of This is Real"
August 1, 2009 Forum on CARB Diesel Science Highlights PPT Presentation
August 11, 2009 San Diego News Network article by Leslie Eastman "California's Eco-bureaucrats Hurt Businesses"
August 12, 2009 San Diego News Network article by Leslie Eastman "CARB Rules Don't Address the Real Problems"
August 21, 2009 Response from UC President Yudof to PLF Lawsuit Brown v. Adams re SRP nominations
September 1, 2009 JAWMA Visibility Degradation & Sources of PM 2.5 in CA Eatough
September 9, 2009 California Legislator Letter to Suspend CARB Diesel Regulations Signed by 52 Legislators
September 28, 2009 UCLA Letter by Cormier Responding to June 30, 2009 Delta Letter About Professors Nichols and Froines (Posted with Permission from Brown)
October 5, 2009 Jackson Email Exchange with Brown Re Unethical Conduct
October 9, 2009 Inside Cal EPA Cal EPA Eyes Changes to Science Panel
October 12, 2009 Blog with LA Business Journal Article "Driven Away: Ports' Clean Air Program Shuts Down Some Truckers" About Randy Thomas
October 21, 2009 Delta (Brown) comments to CARB summarizing his letters to UCLA regarding unethical conduct by Nichols and Froines and the UCLA responses
October 27, 2009 Goldstene Memo to CARB Defending October 24, 2008 Tran PM2.5 Deaths Report
October 28, 2009 Key Disposal v CARB Settlement Agreement & Documents
November 11, 2009 JCCC Researcher Web Page for Res Prof Enstrom
November 12, 2009 Request to UC President Yudof to Reassess CARB Regulations
November 13, 2009 Delta (Brown) letter to UCLA (Cormier, Block, Rosenstock) disputing UCLA response to regarding alleged unethical conduct by Nichols and Froines (
November 16, 2009 CARB Member John B. Telles Letter & Attachments to Ellen Peter Regarding CARB Employee Fraud
November 19, 2009 CARB Member John B. Telles Formal Statement to Board Regarding CARB Employee Fraud
November 23, 2009 Blakeslee Letter to Schwarzenegger Regarding Diesel Regs
November 28, 2009 CSF Jane Hall Email Exchange with Enstrom re "Faith Based" Dispute over California Deaths Related to PM2.5
December 8, 2009 CARB Comment on Reviewer Conflicts of Interest
December 8, 2009 Attorney Patchett Letter to CARB re LA Port Drivers and Diesel Regulations
December 19, 2009 CARB "Factoids about Diesel Exhaust Emissions"
January 6, 2010 Ad Hoc Group Letter to Yudof Requesting Calculations by Jerrett of CA-specific PM2.5 Premature Deaths
January 9, 2010 Press Critical of CARB Diesel Science & Regulations
January 9, 2010 Critical Press re CARB Diesel
January 24, 2010 Thornhill University Contact Us Madison Ave Form
January 25, 2010 CARB CPRA ARB/UCB Agreement No 06-332 Jerrett ACS CPS II Analysis
January 26, 2010 Response from UC President Yudof to January 6, 2010 Ad Hoc Group Letter re Jerrett
January 29, 2010 UCLA EHS Department Self-Review Report   
February 8, 2010 UCOP Yudof Letter to Bass Re SRP Toxicology Nominations
February 26, 2010 CARB Symposium on PM2.5 & Deaths Home Page Link
February 26, 2010 CARB Symposium on PM2.5 & Deaths Agenda & Panel
February 26, 2010 CARB Symposium on PM2.5 & Deaths Enstrom PPT Presentation
February 26, 2010 CARB Symposium on PM2.5 & Deaths Webcast
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February 26, 2010 CARB Symposium on PM2.5 & Deaths Jerrett PPT Presentation
February 26, 2010 CARB Symposium on PM2.5 & Deaths Jerrett Transcript re CA CPS II
February 26, 2010 CARB Symposium on PM2.5 & Deaths Transcript
March 2010 EHP Ostro Paper on PM2.5 & Mortality in California Teachers
March 24, 2010 Ad Hoc Group Letter to Yudof re Jerrett Misconduct
April 1, 2010 CARB SRP Letter from Froines to CA Department of Pesticide Regulation Identifying Chloropicrin as Toxic Air Contaminant
April 8, 2010 EHS M411 Seminar by Rob McConnell USC re Traffic Pollution & Asthma & Action
April 15, 2010 EHS Seminar PM 2.5 & Mortality Controversy
April 21, 2010 CARB Comments on PM2.5 and Mortality in California
April 26, 2010 CARB Barron Letter Re Enstrom CPRA Request for Jerrett Progress Reports
May 7, 2010 Science Lette Climate Change & Science Integrity Gleick
May 25, 2010 Response by UC Berkeley VC Price to March 24, 2010 Ad Hoc Group Letter to Yudof re Jerrett
June 9, 2010 Commentary by Drs. Henry I. Miller and James E. Enstrom "California's Diesel Regulations Are Hot Air"
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June 16, 2010 Ad Hoc Group Letter to CARB Regarding Replacement Tran Report on PM2.5 and Deaths
June 23, 2010 Ad Hoc Group Letter to UCLA Block Re Enstrom Layoff Signed
July 22, 2010 Letter from CA Assembly Speaker Perez Appointing Kleinman to SRP Toxicology Position
July 22, 2010 CA Assembly Speaker Letter to Kleinman re SRP Toxicology Post
July 27, 2010 CPRA Jerrett ACS CPS II Analysis Progress Reports
August 4, 2010 ACS Counsel Response 1995 Paper & 2007 CARB Proposal
August 4, 2010 ACS Counsel Letter to CDTOA re 061610 CARB Letter
August 5, 2010 ACS Counsel Response 1995 Paper & 2007 CARB Proposal
August 6, 2010 Compilation of SPH in the News from 061308 to 080610
August 8, 2010 Jon Cloud Background
August 10, 2010 and June 23, 2010 Ad Hoc Group Letters to UCLA Opposing Enstrom Termination and June 30, 2010 Rosenstock Letter
August 10, 2010 Ad Hoc Group Letter to UCLA Block Re Enstrom Termination
August 15, 2010 Bakersfield Californian Independent Thought Not at UCLA
August 16, 2010 Logue 21 Legislator Letter to UCLA re Enstrom Dismissal
August 25, 2010 EPA CASAC Teleconference Summary Minutes
August 25, 2010 EPA CASAC Teleconference Public Comments Transcript
August 26, 2010 FIRE Letter and Case 838 Website re UCLA Non-reappointment of Enstrom
August 26, 2010 Case 838 Website re UCLA Enstrom Academic Freedom
August 27, 2010 Maldonado Letter to Logue re Enstrom Termination at UCLA
August 31, 2010 de Leeuw Cuddly Valley Blogs on Enstrom and Lois Henry
August 31, 2010 CARB Report Estimate of Premature Deaths Associated with Fine Particle Pollution in California Using the United States Environmental Protection Agency Methodology
August 31, 2010 Cuddy Valley Blogs by Dr. Jan de Leeuw about James Enstrom and Lois Henry re PM2.5 Epidemiology
August 31, 2010 Unpublished Letter from Krewski to HEI with California-specific Results from Krewski 2009
September 1, 2010 Cuddy Valley Blog by Dr. Jan de Leeuw about Enstrom PM2.5 Research and UCLA Termination
September 9, 2010 Nature NewsMaker James Enstrom Controversial
September 13, 2010 Enstrom Email to Greenbaum Re HEI City-Specific RRs
September 16, 2010 CARB Webpage Listing Members of Scientific Review Panel on Toxic Air Contaminants Members as of August 31, 2010
September 17, 2010 Letter from UCLA Chancellor Gene Block to Adam Kissel of FIRE re Enstrom Appointment and Rights
September 22, 2010 Greenbaum Email to Enstrom Re HEI City-Specific RRs
September 24, 2010 CA Relationship PM2.5 & Mortality Table
September 29, 2010 Analysis 2000 HEI Reanalysis PM2.5 & RR Figures 5 & 21
September 30, 2010 Analysis of 2000 HEI Reanalysis Report Figures 5 and 21 to Identify PM2.5 Risk in 49 US Cities.
October 1, 2010 SCAQMD Clean Air Award to John R. Froines for Promotion of Good Environmental Stewardship
October 4, 2010 UCLA COEH Arantzazu Eiguren Rail Yard Emissions Study Overview PPT
October 8, 2010 OEHHA LIst of Proposition 65 Cancer-Causing Chemicals in California
October 10, 2010 Bakersfield Californian Air Board Must Be Accountable Lois Henry
October 15, 2010 Ecological Economics Paper by Hall and Brajer “Air pollution, health and economic benefits: Lessons from 20 years of analysis”
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October 23, 2010 UCLA ESE Dissertations re CARB & SC AQMD
October 30, 2010 UCLA ESE DEnv Grads 1983-2009 at CARB SCAQMD USEPA
November 2, 2010 Letter from UC President Yudof to Assembly Speaker Perez with SRP Toxicology Nominations
November 10, 2010 Letter from CA Assembly Speaker Perez Reappointing Froines to SRP Toxicology Position
December 6, 2010 UC President Yudof letter to Senate Rules Chair Darrell Steinberg, which states:
As you requested, we have included in our consideration Professor Glantz."
December 2010 Loma Linda University Dr.P.H. Dissertation "CHD Mortality & Long-term Exposure to Particulate AP in Elderly CA Adventists" by Lie H. Chen
December 2010 Loma Linda University Dr.P.H. Dissertation Chapter 4 "Mortality & Long-Term Exposure to AP in Elderly CA Adventists" by Lie H. Chen & Others
December 10, 2010 IAQA Enstrom PPT Presentation on CARB Diesel Critique
December 10, 2010 EMA PPT to CARB to Revise PEDE TAC to Exclude NTDE PPT
December 10, 2010 Engine Manufacturers Association Proposed Exclusion of New Tech Diesel Exhaust from CARB Diesel TAC PPT
December 15, 2010 CARB Comments on Relationship Between PM2.5 and Total Mortality in California
January 1, 2011 Federal Judiciary Center Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, Third Edition: Reference Guide on Epidemiology by Green
January 20, 2011 Ad Hoc Group Letter to Jerrett re Calculation of CA-specific PM2.5 Premature Deaths
January 25, 2011 Former BYU Student Letter to Pope re PM2.5 Epidemioloy and CARB
February 11, 2011 Enstrom Email to Ospital re 2008 Jerrett Progress Report
February 18, 2011 EPA CASAC 021811 Teleconference Ozone Agenda
February 20, 2011 Bakersfield Californian Article by Lois Henry on Politics and Air Rules Related to CARB Scientific Review Panel.
February 23, 2011 Enstrom Email Requests to Six Jerrett Report Authors re 2011 Congress of Epidemiology Ethics Symposium
March 1, 2011 Ad Hoc Group Emails to Yudof & Jerrett & HEI
March 9, 2011 Critical Assessment of EPA Clear Air Act by Steve Milloy
March 11, 2011 Grants to CA March Members on CASAC PM & Ozone Review Panels
March 31, 2011 EHP Online Paper by Puett on PM & Mortality in Health Professionals Study
March 31, 2011 ReasonTV "The Green Regulation Machine: Saving the Planet or Killing Jobs?"
April 1, 2011 CARB Truck & Bis Regulation Compliance Summary
April 4, 2011 NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study (NADHS) Instructions for Obtaining AARP Data for Extramural Investigators
April 4, 2011 Reason Blog "The Green Politics of Reprisal: UCLA's Enstrom Gets a Hearing on His Unfair Dismissal"
May 17, 2011 Ad Hoc Group Letters to Yudof & Jerrett & Responses
May 31, 2011 Risk Analysis Paper by Fann on National Public Health Burden of Ambient PM2.5 and Ozone.
June 2011 UCLA Public Health Magazine (selected pages)
June 2, 2011 Delta Letter to CARB re Resolution 10-44
June 9, 2011 Delta Comments to CARB Research Screening Committee re Jerrett Final Report on PM2.5 and mortality in California
June 9, 2011 Dunn Critique to CARB RSC of Jerrett CARB CA PM2.5 and Deaths Draft Final Report
June 15, 2011 Am J Epidemiology Article on Prostate Cancer and Pesticide Exposure in Agricultural California by Cockburn USC and Ritz UCLA
June 23, 2011 AJRCCM In Press Article by Lipsett et al "AP & CVD in CA Teachers Study"
June 27, 2011 Lipfert Critique to CARB RSC of Jerrett CARB CA PM2.5 and Deaths Draft Final Report
July 5, 2011 HEI Application History re Criteria Pollutants & Mortality
July 8, 2011 NCHS Data Brief Number 64 Map Showing 2009 Age-adjusted State Death Rates
July 8, 2011 NCHS Data Brief Number 64 Map Showing 2009 Age-adjusted State Death Rates & Death Rate Ratios
July 8, 2011 NCHS Data Brief Number 64 Map & Tables Showing 2009 Age-adjusted State & County Death Rates from CDC WONDER
July 21, 2011 CARB 2010 Arie Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards Text
July 27, 2011 CARB Terry Letter to Delta Brown re PM2.5 Heath Effects
July 28, 2011 EPA Webinar Arden Pope PPT "Health Effects of Particulate Matter Air Pollution"
August 1, 2011 JAWMA Vascular Function & Short-Term Fine PM Exposure Pope
August 1, 2011 JECH IEA Epi Cong PM2.5 & CA Mortality in NIH-AARP
August 6, 2011 Summary of PM2.5 & Mortality CA Teachers & Health Professionals Studies
August 11, 2011 Summary of Major Epidemiologic Studies of PM2.5 and Total Mortality in California
August 17, 2011 Bakersfield Californian Article by Lois Henry on Jerrett Study Mishitting on Air Pollution Deaths.
August 19, 2011 EHP Paper by Fann on Linkages Between Air Pollution Epidemiology and Quantative Risk Assessment
August 23, 2011 Delta Response to July 27, 2011 CARB Terry Letter in Reponse to June 02, 2011 Delta Letter re Resolution 10-44
September 13, 2011 Criticism of Jerrett et al. CARB PM2.5 and Mortality in California Report by William Matt Briggs
September 16, 2011 US SBA Environmental Roundtable PPT "Overestimation of PM2.5-related 'Premature Deaths' by US EPA and CARB" by Enstrom
September 16, 2011 US SBA Environmental Roundtable PPT "Which PM2.5 Species Are Harmful?" by Thomas Grahame DOE
September 19, 2011 Email Message from UCLA Provost Waugh re Resignation of SPH Dean Rosenstock
October 1, 2011 Contemporary Economic Policy Paper by Hall and Brajer “Valuing health effects: the case of ozone and fine particles in Southern California”
October 1, 2011 Contemporary Economic Policy Paper (dated September 20, 2011) by Brajer & Hall "Valuing Health Effects" of Ozone & PM2.5 in SoCal
October 3, 2011 Cal EPA Rodriquez Letter to Yudof re SRP Epidemiology Post
October 8, 2011 Enstrom Email to UCB Spear re Enstrom & EHS Program Review
October 20, 2011 Delta Response 101411 CARB Letter re 082311 Delta Letter
October 24, 2011 Briggs Critique of 102811 Jerrett Report on CA PM2.5 Deaths
October 26, 2011 Enstrom Critique of Jerrett CARB CA PM 2.5 Deaths Final Report
October 26, 2011 Dunn CARB RSC Submission re Jerrett Report
October 26, 2011 Fulks Comments to CARB re Jerrett Report on CA PM2.5 Deaths
October 26, 2011 Lipfert Review of 102811 Jerrett CARB CA PM2.5 Deaths Final Report
October 28, 2011 Compilation of All Criticism since June 9, 2011 of Jerrett Report on CA PM2.5 Deaths
October 30, 2011 Briggs Blog re Jerrett Report
"A Case of Failed Peer Review: Dust and Death"
November 13, 2011 Bakersfield Californian Air Board Study in Error Henry
November 15, 2011 Enstrom Letter to SLO APCD re Coastal Dunes Dust Rule
November 16, 2011 ASA JSM 2012 Enstrom & Myhre Session Reports
November 28, 2011 UCLA Institute of the Environment Enstrom Seminar "Does Fine Particulate Matter Kill Californians?
November 28, 2011 UCLA Institute of the Environment Enstrom Announcement "Does Fine Particulate Matter Kill Californians?"
November 30, 2011 Bakersfield Californian article by Lois Henry “Air Board Study in Error? They Don't Seem to Care”
December 1, 2011 Curriculum Vitae for John R. Froines
December 1, 2011 UCOP Conflict of Interest Form for John R. Froines re Nomination for Scientific Review Panel
December 1, 2011 CARB Truck and Bus & GHG Regs & IoES Enstrom
December 5, 2011 NAS Article by Geoffrey C. Kabat "Why UCLA's Firing of a Lone Dissenting Voice Should Worry Us"
December 5, 2011 CARB Jerrett Final Report on Air Pollution and Mortality in American Cancer Society Cohort (Approved October 28, 2011)
December 5, 2011 CARB Lipsett Final Report on Air Pollution and Mortality in California Teachers Study Cohort (Approved April 28, 2011)
December 5, 2011 CARB Jerrett ACS CPS II Mortaility Revised Final Report
December 12, 2011 Briggs Blog "CARB Misinterprets Statistics, Calls For Elimination of Dust"
December 13, 2011 Letter to COAL Challenging Scientific Basis for GMERP
December 22, 2011 NRDC v CDTOA Statement Undisputed Facts re FAAAA
December 22, 2011 NRDC v CDTOA Motion for Summary Judgement Points & Auth
December 22, 2011 NRDC v CDTOA Motion for Summary Judgement re FAAAA
January 1, 2012 Risk Analysis Paper by Fann on National Public Health Burden of Ambient PM2.5 and Ozone
January 10, 2012 Enstrom Declaration for CDTOA re CARB NRDC Motion for Summary Judgement
January 24, 2012 PM2.5 Measurement with Carbon Aerosol Monitor Eatough Farber
February 5, 2012 Washington Post Article by Jim Morris on NIOSH Diesel Exhaust & Miners Publication Delayed by Industry Objections
February 6, 2012 iWatch News Article by Jim Morris on NIOSH Diesel Exhaust & Miners Publication Delayed by Industry Objections
February 7, 2012 UC President Yudof letter to Assembly Speaker Perez, which states: “As you requested, we have included in our consideration John Froines, whose term on the Toxic Air Contaminants Scientific Review Panel is about to expire."
February 8, 2012 US House EC Testimony Health Benefits PM2.5 Reductions Goodman
February 13, 2012 and Earlier (Dating Back to 1986) CARB Scientific Review Panel Appointment Letters for John R. Froines
March 4, 2012 National Law Review Article by Jim Morris "Long-Delayed Diesel Study Published"
March 6, 2012 Teplow Letter from UCLA Academic Freedom Committee to Block Regarding Academic Freedom of Enstrom at UCLA
March 20, 2012 RVA Twining Letter to Coldwell Banker re Saving UCLA Hannah Carter Japanese Garden
March 20, 2012 RVA Twining Letter to Coldwell Banker re Saving UCLA Hannah Carter Japanese Garden
with Attachments
April 1, 2012 California Air Pollution Control Officers Association Report "California? Progress Toward Clean Air"
April 2, 2012 Heartland Jones Day Criminal Referral of Peter Gleick
April 3, 2012 Folmer Email Message Confirming April 4, 2012 Desert Sun Op-Ed on PM Health Effects by Enstrom
April 4, 2012 Enstrom Email to AQMD Health Effects Officer Ospital re 2012 AQMP Health Effects
April 4, 2012 Desert Sun Saga re Enstrom Op-Ed on PM Health Effects Which Has Never Been Published
April 11, 2012 UCOP Criteria for Background on Identifying Scientific Experts for CARB Scientific Review Panel
April 12, 2012 SCAQMD 2012 AQMP Health Effects Update by Jean Ospital
April 12, 2012 SCAQMD 2012 AQMP Health Update 35 Year Harvard Six Cities Study by Jean Ospital
April 13, 2012 SCAQMD 2012 MATES IV Board Update Report by Jean Ospital
April 15, 2012 Bakersfield Californian Column by Lois Henry on "Ex-Radical Who Heads Air Board's Key Panel"
April 24, 2012 Dose-Response 2012 Conference Enstrom Lecture "Pseudoscientific Aspects of Particulate Matter Epidemiology, 1993-2012"
April 25, 2012 Orange County Register Science Article by Pat Brennan "Smog report: L.A. region still among nation's worst"
April 30, 2012 Desert Sun Saga re Enstrom Op-Ed on PM Health Effects
May 13, 2012 Bakersfield Californian Column by Lois Henry on "UC President's Visit Didn't Exactly Clear the Air"
May 15, 2012 Southern California Business Coalition Letter to South Coast AQMD Concerning the Economics of the 2012 AQMP
May 17, 2012 Texas Public Policy Foundation Report on EPA's Pretense of Science on Regulating Phantom Risks by White
May 17, 2012 SC AQMD Air Quality Management Plan Proposed Control Approaches and Measures
May 20, 2012 Evidence of Liberal Faculty at UCLA & UC
May 23, 2012 Steinberg Press Release Announcing California Senate Rules Committee Appointment of Clark Parker, Ph.D.
May 24, 2012 California Small Business Alliance Presentation by Enstrom "Critique of SC AQMD re PM2.5 Health Effects"
May 24, 2012 California Small Business Alliance Presentation by Phalen "Improving Scientific Advice on PM to US EPA CASAC"
May 27, 2012 Requests to UC President Yudof Regarding Scientific Review Panel and PM2.5 Science Since 2008
June 4, 2012 Orange County Register "Reader Rebuttal (James Enstrom): Air pollution in L.A. region"
June 7, 2012 Wallerstein Letter to Orange County Register re Enstrom Reader Rebuttal on Air Pollution in Los Angeles Area
June 7, 2012 Ospital Email Message to SCAQMD Advisory Council Regarding Report on Health Impacts of Particulate Matter
June 20, 2012 Compilation of Orange County Register Air Pollution Articles and Enstrom Response to ALA & CAPCOA & Wallerstein
June 28, 2012 US EPA Regulatory Impact Analysis of New PM2.5 NAAQS: Pages That Make Reference to California-specific Studies
July 1, 2012 EHP Paper by Lepeule "Fine particles and mortality: an extended follow-up of Harvard Six Cities study 1974-2009"
July 5, 2012 Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District Letter to CARB re Adverse Impact of Truck and Bus Regulation
July 19, 2012 AQMD STMPR PPT "Health Benefit Assessment: Methods for 2012 AQMP Update" by Leland Deck, Ph.D.
July 24, 2012 Enstrom Charges of Falsification and Defamation by AQMD made to Chino Mayor and AQMD Vice Chair Yates
July 27, 2012 SCAQMD PLN Comments Bakar
July 30, 2012 Enstrom Letter to SCAQMD Board Member Parker re Meeting and OCRegister Exchange with Wallerstein
August 1, 2012 Critical Reviews Toxicology Review "Lung cancer and diesel exhaust: occupational epidemiology" by Gamble and Boffetta
August 1, 2012 American Statistical Association 2012 JSM Proceedings Session Description and All Abstracts Including Enstrom Abstract
August 1, 2012 American Statistical Association Enstrom Presentation in San Diego "Are Fine Particulates Killing Californians?"
August 6, 2012 and July 11, 2012 Enstrom Emails to Chino Mayor Dennis Yates re SCAQMD Falsification and Wood Burning Ban
August 15, 2012 Summary of Major Epidemiologic Studies of PM2.5 and Total Mortality in California
August 30, 2012 Enstrom Criticism of SCAQMD Draft 2012 AQMP Health Effects & Request for 40471 (b) Hearing on Health Effects
August 30, 2012 SCAQMD PLN Comments Tomely
August 31, 2012 Southern California Business Coalition Letter to South Coast AQMD Concerning the Draft 2012 AQMP
August 31, 2012 Southern California Business Coalition Letter to South Coast AQMD Concerning the Draft 2012 AQMP & SES
August 31, 2012 SCAQMD PLN Comments Roy
August 31, 2012 SCAQMD PLN Comments Senecal
August 31, 2012 SCAQMD PLN Comments Mills
August 31, 2012 SCAQMD PLN Comments Sedlacek
August 31, 2012 SCAQMD PLN Comments Brotcke
August 31, 2012 SCAQMD PLN Comments Wyman
September 4, 2012 Enstrom Emails to Advisor Ketcham and AQMD Board Member Cacciotti re SCAQMD AQMP Health Effects
September 7, 2012 AQMD Revised Draft Air Quality Management Plan Appendix I Health Effects
September 7, 2012 American College of Epidemiology Program "Use of Epidemiologic Findings for Population Benefits"
September 11, 2012 South Coast Air Quality Management District "Smog and Health" Webpage
September 11, 2012 American College of Epidemiology Ethics Panel “Ethics and Epidemiologic Decision-Making"
September 11, 2012 Version of South Coast Air Quality Management District "Smog and Health" Webpage
September 12, 2012 Enstrom Email to AQMD General Counsel Wiese re 2012 AQMP Health Effects & CHSC 40471 (b)
September 12, 2012 SCAQMD PLN Comments Bockmiller
September 14, 2012 Enstrom Email to LLU Professor Soret re 2012 AQMP Health Effects & AHSMOG & Chen Dissertation
September 17, 2012 Enstrom Email to USC Professor McConnell re 2012 AQMP Health Effects & CHSC 40471 (b)
September 20, 2012 SCAQMD AQMP Advisory Group Meeting #12 Agenda
September 20, 2012 Enstrom Criticism of SCAQMD Revised Draft 2012 AQMP Appendix I Health Effects
September 20, 2012 PLF Schiff Public Records Act Request to SCAQMD re CHSC 40471 (b) Documents
September 20, 2012 Wiese Email to Enstrom re 2012 AQMP and CHSC 40471 (b) Hearing on Health Effects
September 21, 2012 Ospital Email Message to SCAQMD Advisory Council Regarding October 11 Meeting on Revised PM Report
September 21, 2012 SCAQMD Completion Letter to PLF Schiff re Control No. 70007 re CHSC 40471b Records
September 25, 2012 USC Jonathan Samet Letter to Ospital re SCAQMD Revised Draft 2012 AQMP Appendix I Health Effects
September 28, 2012 American Statistical Association 2012 JSM Proceedings Enstrom Paper "Particulate Matter is Not Killing Californians"
September 28, 2012 American Statistical Association 2012 JSM Proceedings Session Description and Enstrom Paper on "PM Not Killing CA"
October 4, 2012 U-T San Diego Enstrom Op-Ed "Air Pollution Health Risks Not As Bad As Claimed"
October 4, 2012 Dunn Appendix A Devlin Declaration Highlighted
October 8, 2012 Delta Letters of May 13, 2010 and Oct 8, 2012 to EPA CARB WP
October 11, 2012 Enstrom Criticism of SCAQMD Revised Draft 2012 AQMP Appendix I Health Effects Version 2
October 12, 2012 LADWP Owens Lake Lawsuit Against Great Basin APCD
October 16, 2012 CARB Scientific Review Panel Transcript Discussing Rejection of Request for Oral Testimony
October 19, 2012 Enstrom Comments to EPA ARTBA CIAQC Teleconference Opposing CARB Off-Road Waiver Request
October 20, 2012 Chino Champion Editorial "Thoughts on the Chino Mayor Election" About Mayor Yates and AQMD Conflicts
October 23, 2012 SCAQMD PLN Comments Mills
October 23, 2012 SCAQMD PLN Comments Rafter
October 30, 2012 Geoffrey Kabat Letter to South Coast AQMD re 2012 Air Quality Management Plan and PM2.5 Health Impacts
October 30, 2012 SCAQMD PLN Comments Kabat
October 31, 2012 SCAQMD PLN Comments Tomely
November 7, 2012 Enstrom Research Misconduct Complaint Against CSU Fullerton Professors Jane Hall and Victor Brajer
November 28, 2012 Dominici Letter re Greven 2011 EPA-HQ-OAR-2007-0492-10007
December 2, 2012 Bakersfield Californian Editorial Time to Revamp Clean Air Act
December 1, 2012 UCLA Vision 2021 LA
December 7, 2012 SCAQMD Hearing Photo of Enstrom and Thomas + October 12, 2009 LABJ DrivenAway about Thomas
December 12, 2012 SCAQMD 2012 Final Version
December 12, 2012 James Enstrom & Randy Thomas after Testifying at SCAQMD AQMP Hearing
January 1, 2013 Epimediology 2013 Air Pollution & Life Expectancy Supplement Correia
January 1, 2013 Epimediology 2013 Air Pollution & Life Expectancy 545 Counties Correia
January 18, 2013 Enstrom Criticism of SCAQMD 2012 AQMP Health Effects
February 5, 2013 IRATE Letter
February 5, 2013 Enstrom Email to Gilliam re LA Economy & Randy Thomas
February 6, 2013 Pope C Arden CV Air Quality Utah Edu
February 7, 2013 UCLA Sarna Review Document to Goldberg and Teplow re Academic Freedom and Records Requests
Februrary 15, 2013 Delta Letter to GBUAPCD re CARB & Owens Lake Regs
February 15, 2013 Enstrom Criticism of SCAQMD 2012 AQMP Health Effects
February 17, 2013 SCAQMD Board Member Benoit Email to Wallerstein re Enstrom Concerns About 2012 AQMP
February 19, 2013 National Student Clearinghouse Degree Verify Certificate for Clark Parker for 1981 U Redlands Master of Arts
February 19, 2013 Enstrom Analysis of "Dr." Clark Parker and His False Credentials in AQMD BioSketch
February 22, 2013 Lois Henry Public Records Request to UCLA re Froines Emails About Methy Iodide (Edited Version)
March 10, 2013 Bakersfield Californian Article by Lois Henry "Cozy Emails Undermine CARB Czar's Integrity" About John Froines
March 20, 2013 Enstrom CARB Comments "Lack of AQMD Integrity Reinforces Need for CARB Research on California SIPs"
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March 21, 2013 Enstrom Memo & CARB Comments to Parker Requesting Degree Verification
March 22, 2013 Copies of Diplomas for Clark E. Parker: Doctor of Law 071374 & Bachelor of Science 061475 & Doctor of Arts 040580 & Master of Arts 121881
March 25, 2013 UCLA Public Records Response 2013-306 to Lois Henry Request for Payments to LBBS Regarding Enstrom Termination
March 26, 2013 FIRE Article About Enstrom Lawsuit Against UCLA "Encouraging Ruling for Whistleblowing Scientist 032613.pdf;
March 31, 2013 Bakersfield Californian Article by Lois Henry "UCLA Scientist Wins Round in Court" About Enstrom Lawsuit Against UCLA
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April 1, 2013 California Air Pollution Control Officers Association Report "California? Progress Toward Clean Air"
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April 2, 2013 Letter from California Senators Huff and Fuller Requesting Methyl Iodide Emails and Information from John Froines
April 2, 2013 Enstrom Petition to CARB Scientific Review Panel to Reassess Diesel Toxic Air Contaminant Decision
April 8, 2013 CAHT-Coalition-Supporter List
April 10, 2013 NRDC EDF et al Letter Opposing HR 1422
April 16, 2013 SCAQMD Governing Board Member History from 1977 to 2013
May 8, 2013 NSC Degree Verify Certificate for Clark Parker for 1975 U Minnesota College Continuing Ed Bachelor of Science
May 10, 2013 ACS CPS Data Access Policy & Procedures
May 10, 2013 COEH 35 Year Symposium Announcement and 2009 UCLA COEH
Organizational Chart Showing UCLA EHS Faculty
May 17, 2013 Enstrom Summary of Academic Degrees of SCAQMD Board Member Clark E. Parker, Sr.: SCAQMD Versus Actual
May 18, 2013 Huntington Beach Independent Article on Critic Questions Doctoral Degrees of SCAQMD Board Member Clark E. Parker, Sr.
May 21, 2013 CAPCOA Report Tabulation of Voter Registration and Air Quality Days by Air Pollution Control District for 35 Air Basins
June 5, 2013 Mansoor-Walters-Hagman-Allen CA Public Records Act Request to SCAQMD re Rule 444 on Beach Fire Rings
June 11, 2013 UCLA Reed Response to CA Senators Huff & Fuller re California Public Records Act Request to Froines re Methyl Iodide Review
June 11, 2013 Ian McGregor Bonfire Pit Battle Summer 2013 Report About SCAQMD Regulation of Beach Fire Rings
June 12, 2013 Senator Vitter CEPW Letter to EPA Requesting Data Underlying Clean Air Act Rules
June 12, 2013 Julia Lester Letter to SCAQMD Chair William Burke Regarding July 12, 2013 SCAQMD Board Amended Rule 444p
June 12, 2013 Smith Stewart Letter to USEPA Requesting Secret Science Data
June 18, 2013 Wildfire Smoke Public Health Guide 2012 AQI
June 21, 2013 Enstrom Summary of Academic Degrees of SCAQMD Board Member Clark E. Parker, Sr.: SCAQMD Versus Actual
(http ://
June 27, 2013 AJRCCM Online Article on Spatial Analysis of Air Pollution and Mortality in California by Jerrett, Based on 2011 CARB Report
July 7, 2013 Enstrom Reasons Opposing SCAQMD Fire Ring Ban
July 8, 2013 Froines Letter to CalEPA Rodriguez re SRP Resignation
July 10, 2013 Three Bakersfield Californian Henry Articles re Froines and SRP and Methyl Iodide and Huff-Fuller CPRA Letter to UCLA
July 10, 2013 Bakersfield Californian Article by Lois Henry on UCLA Prof Froines Resigning from Scientific Review Panel
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July 10, 2013 SCAQMD Olvera Letter re Mansoor-Walters-Hagman-Allen CA Public Records Act Request re Beach Fire Rings
July 11, 2013 California Costal Commission Staff Report and Calender Regarding Beach Fire Rings
July 12, 2013 South Coast AQMD Proposal to Amend Rule 444 Regarding Open Burning at Beach Fire Rings
July 14, 2013 Rejected Los Angeles Times Enstrom Letter to the Editor re Rules for Beach Blazes (SCAQMD Fire Ring Rule 444)
July 15, 2013 UCLA Daily Bruin Article UCLA Professor Froines Resigns
from Scientific Review Panel and UCLA Praise of Froines
July 17, 2013 SCAQMD Fact Sheet Describing Serious Problems with SCAQMD Board Members and Air Pollution Science
July 22, 2013 Smith and Stewart US House Letter to US EPA Requesting Secret Data from ACS and HEI re H6CS and CPS II databases
July 28, 2013 Los Angeles Times Article "Landmark California Regulations Under Federal Fire" re Restricting California Regulations
July 30, 2013 Wall Street Journal Op-Ed by Congressman Lamar Smith "The EPA's Game of Secret Science" re Secret Data in H6CS and CPS II
July 30, 2013 SCAQMD Fact Sheet List Serious Problems with Board Members and Staff and Policy
August 1, 2013 Stat Analysis & Data Mining Paper by Young on Assessing Geographic Heterogeneity in Pope's Air Pollution Data
August 1, 2013 US House Science Committee Smith Stewart Letter Subpoena of US EPA Secret Science Data
August 6, 2013 US House Science Committee Johnson Letter to Smith Attacking 080113 Subpoena
August 8, 2013 US House Science Committee Smith Letter Responding to 080613 Johnson Attack on Subpoena
August 8, 2013 Enstrom Letter to US House Science Committee Smith & Johnson Refuting Defamation by Johnson
August 9, 2013 Science News Article "House Subpoena Revives Air Pollution Battle"
August 10, 2013 Myron Ebell CEI Article "Dispute Continues Over House Science Committee Subpoena to EPA for Secret Science"
August 12, 2013 Science Insider Article "Will House Science Panel Need Ethical Review?"
August 19, 2013 ACS Brawley Letter to EPA re House Science CPS II Subpoena
August 19, 2013 EPA Vaught Letter to Smith Responding to US House Science Committee Subpoena Response
August 23, 2013 ACS Gapstur Email Response to 081513 Enstrom CPS II Collaboration Proposal
August 27, 2013 Salt Lake Tribune Article involving Stewart and Pope "Two Utahns Have Stake in Pollution Health Data Fight"
September 1, 2013 AJRCCM Jerrett Paper "Spatial Analysis of Air Pollution and Mortality in California" by Jerrett et al.
September 2, 2013 Enstrom Evidence that ACS Violated 1982 CPS II Subject Confidentiality Statements
September 3, 2013 US House Science Committee Letter to EPA re defiance of August 1, 2013 Subpoena
September 6, 2013 Science News Article "EPA Stands in Contempt of House Science Subpoena"
September 7, 2013 Boston Globe Article on "US House Committee Subpoena Demands Harvard Data"
September 10, 2013 GBUAPCO Ted Schade PPT Presentation on Owens Lake Dust Mitigation to Imperial Co APCD
September 13, 2013 EPA Vaught Letter to Smith Responding to US House Science Committee Subpoena Response
September 13, 2013 Letter from California Senators Huff and Fuller to UCLA VC Reed Requesting Complete Response to CPRA Response re Froines
September 24, 2013 Enstrom Email Exchange with Democratic House Science Committee re Johnson Defamatory Comments
September 26, 2013 Enstrom Email Request to Greenbaum re 2000 HEI Reanalysis Report and 2013 Jerrett AJRCCM Paper
September 30, 2013 EPA Vaught Letter to Lamar Smith re US House Science Committee Subpoena Respose
October 2, 2013 Three UCLA Daily Bruin Articles About Froines and SRP and Methyl Iodide and Huff-Fuller CPRA Letter to UCLA
October 2, 2013 UCLA Remaking The University Blog Republicans Shut Down Federal Support for Higher Education by Michael Meranze
October 4, 2013 Greenbaum Response to September 26, 2013 Enstrom Email re 2000 HEI Report and 2013 Jerrett Paper
October 4, 2013 Enstrom Letter to CEPH re UCLA School of Public Health Termination
October 4, 2013 Enstrom Complaint to CEPH re UCLA School of Public Health Termination Including Attachments
October 8, 2013 Rural California County APCD Letters to CARB or Governor Brown Opposing CARB Diesel Regulations
October 9, 2013 Delta Letters to UCLA & Lawsuit re Froines
October 11, 2013 October 11, 2013 Enstrom and Tang Analysis of 2012 Lepeule H6CS Excel
October 21, 2013 UCLA Reed Response to CA Senators Huff & Fuller re California Public Records Act Request to Froines re Methyl Iodide Review
October 23, 2013 ACS Gapstur Email to NISS Stan Young Rejecting His CPS II Data Proposal
October 30, 2013 Vaught Letter to Smith with Subpoena Responses from Harvard, Pope, ACS, HEI, and Dockery
November 4, 2013 Enstrom Comments to CEPH re UCLA School of Public Health Accreditation
November 7, 2013 Enstrom Email to Alpa Patel of ACS Epidemiology re CPS II Data Conclusion
November 15, 2013 Enstrom Evidence of Scientific Misconduct by C. Arden Pope, III Regarding PM2.5 Epidemiology
November 21, 2013 Cal State San Bernardino Sustainable Goods Movement Symposium Enstrom PPT on Air Pollution and Total Mortality
November 21, 2013 Cal State San Bernardino Sustainable Goods Movement Symposium Robert F. Phalen PPT on Inhaled Particulate Matter
November 21, 2013 Cal State San Bernardino Sustainable Goods Movement Symposium Stanley Young PPT on Ozone-PM2.5 and Daily Mortality
November 21-22, 2013 Cal State San Bernardino Sustainable Goods Movement Symposium Program
November 21-22, 2013 Cal State San Bernardino Sustainable Goods Movement Symposium with Four PPTs
November 23, 2013 Desert Sun Article "Two Sides Emerge in Emissions Argument at CSUSB" Sustainable Goods Movement Symposium
November 24, 2013 Sacramento Bee Commentary by Morain "John Froines Made a Difference in Our Lives"
November 25, 2013 Enstrom Email to Alpa Patel of ACS Epidemiology Follow-up Request re CPS II Data and CPS 3 Enrollment
November 27, 2013 Redding City Council Letter to CARB Invoking NEPA Coordination to Oppose CARB Diesel Regulations Goods Movement Symposium Program
December 4, 2013 Enstrom Email to BYU John McBride Regarding BYU Barry Bickmore Blog on House PM2.5 Subpoena
December 5, 2013 Sacramento Bee Morian Rejection of Enstrom Op-Ed "John Froines is the Ultimate 'Political' Scientist"
December 12, 2013 Enstrom Email to BYU Michael Ransom Regarding BYU Arden Pope and Barry Bickmore Misconduct
December 13, 2013 BYU Alan Harker Email to Enstrom re Scientific Misconduct by BYU C. Arden Pope, III
December 18, 2013 LA DWP Board Meeting Item 18 on Owens Lake Dust Mitigation Project Phase 7a for $229 Million
December 20, 2013 Enstrom Email to BYU Eric Eide Regarding BYU Arden Pope Scientific Misconduct
December 20, 2013 SCAQMD Legislative Committee Special Agenda Opposing AB 1102 re Beach Fire Rings
December 20, 2013 CARB Letter to Cadd re Redding NEPA Coordination
January 15, 2014 Bakersfield Californian Article by Lois Henry on UCLA Slams Door on Public Records of Froines
January 17, 2014 UCLA Daily Bruin Editiorial (on pages 1 and 4) "Eitan Arom: UCLA should not apply academic freedom policy on selective basis"
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January 21, 2014 City Watch LA Owens Valley Plundering LA Humphreville
January 28, 2014 University Club of Claremont Enstrom PPT on Environmental Extremism Hurting California
January 31, 2014 ACS VP Gapstur Email Rejecting Statistician William Matt Briggs Proposal to Analyze CPS II Data
February 1, 2014 EPA Health Risk & Exposure Assessment for Ozone
February 5, 2014 UCLA SPH Professional Research Series Scientists 2011 & 2014
February 6, 2014 SPH EHS Faculty & Researchers Sinsheimer & Wight
February 6, 2014 US House Science Committee Press Release and February 11, 2014 Hearing on "Secret Science Reform Act"
February 10, 2014 ALA ATS Letter to House Scinece Comm on H.R. 4012
February 11, 2014 UCLA Daily Bruin Editorial "Eitan Arom: UC's litigious approach doesn't give others fair shake"
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February 22, 2014 MDAQMD Governing Board Agenda
February 28, 2014 Redding Letter to CARB re NEPA Coordination Diesel Regs
March 6, 2014 EPA McCarthy Letter to Smith re Response to Subpoena
March 18, 2014 Smith Letter to Comptroller Dodaro re EPA SAB & CASAC
March 19, 2014 Smith Letter to Frey re EPA CASAC on Ozone
March 19, 2014 Senate Enviro Comm EPA's Corrupt Playbook Unveiled
March 20, 2014 The Feldenstein Case Summary
March 23, 2014 EHS Faculty Listing UCLA Directory Peter Sinsheimer
April 1, 2014 Lancet Air Pollution & Mortality in 22 ESCAPE Cohort Beelen
April 1, 2014 Young Comments on Peng StatsBlog re HR 4012
April 18, 2014 SCIENCE Policy Forum Paper "Particulate Matter Matters" by Dominici+Greenstone+Sunstein
April 21, 2014 Enstrom Statement Requestin Suspension of CARB Truck Rule
April 23, 2014 Los Angeles Wave UCLA Faces Discrimination Suit
April 23, 2014 Bakersfield Californian Science Behind Air Regs Sketchy
May 2014 CARB Scientific Review Panel Appointments
May 2, 2014 SCAG EPA PM 2.5 NAAQS Not Justified in CA Enstrom PPT
May 5, 2014 Donnelly Letter to Block re Lack of UCLA Diversity
May 5, 2014 Donnelly Letter to Block re Lack of UCLA Diversity Att
May 12, 2014 WSJ OpEd Closing of the Collegiate Mind Wisse
May 12, 2014 Enstrom Emails to Littleton re Political Diversity at UCLA
May 20, 2014 AB Coalition Poll Californians Oppose New Gas Tax
May 21, 2014 Hudson Valley Press Is EPA Criminal Enterprise Alford
June 6, 2014 US House Science Comm Press re H.R. 4012 & Text
June 6, 2014 Woodward Emails to Enstrom About Parker Conflicts re SCAQMD
June 16, 2014 Perea Letter to Nichols re Delay Cap-and-Trade on Fuels
June 23, 2014 Letter of Support by 87 Experts for H.R. 4012
June 23, 2014 AAAS Letter to House Science Committee on H.R. 4012
June 24, 2014 US House Science Committee Press re H.R. 4012 & Text
June 24, 2014 US House Science Committee H.R. 4012 Final Passage Roll Call
June 24, 2014 WSJ OpEd What is EPA Hiding from Public Smith
July 3, 2014 OEHHA CARB Table Approved Risk Assessment Values
July 7, 2014 July 7, 2014 Global Warming Analysis RECLAIM Factories Lost Moodey
July 9, 2014 Scientific Misconduct by Pope Re PM2.5
July 22, 2014 Secret Science Reform Act of 2014 US Senate
July 22, 2014 SCAQMD Rule 1156.2 GHG Compliance Flowchart Moodey
July 28, 2014 Smith Vitter Letter to USEPA re CASAC on Ozone NAAQS
July 30, 2014 US Senate EPW Comm Chain of Enviro Command Report
July 30, 2014 US Senate EPW Comm Minority Chain Enviro Command Report
July 31, 2014 AAAS Letter to McCarthy Expressing Concerns re H.R.
August 1, 2014 Johnson Statement on House Science Subpoena Resolution
August 8, 2014 AB 69 Coalition Support Letter to Perea
August 15, 2014 CCTA Letter to Block Against Jerrett as UCLA EHS Chair Attach
September 5, 2014 ASA Letter Expressing Concerns About HR 4012
September 9, 2014 Beale John C Wikipedia Bio EPA Scam Artist
September 12, 2014 Science China Blamed for U.S. Ozone Hand
September 20, 2014 Beal Fraud WSJ
September 28, 2014 UCLA Daily Bruin Liberty Students Must Speak Kohlhepp
September 30, 2014 Alliance California Business Press Release
October 1, 2014 SCAQMD MATES IV Toxic Substances & Risks Factors
October 1, 2014 SCAQMD MATES IV Technical Advisory Group
October 6, 2014 Kohlhepp Email & DB Op-Ed re UCLA Diversity
October 10, 2014 Kleinman Michael T UCI SRP AIR SacBee StatePay
October 15, 2014 TCEQ Interesting Facts About Ozone
October 17, 2014 Enstrom Evidence of Liberal Faculty at UCLA
October 22, 2014 Delta Letter to Kleinman re SRP Reappointment
October 27, 2014 UCLA Hammer Forum Mann & Criticism
October 29, 2014 Anastasio Cort & Gill Sarjeet CARB SRP Members
November 4, 2014 FASEB Letter Opposing Secret Science Reform Act HR 4012
November 5, 2014 Delta Letter to Kleinman re SRP Conflicts of Interest
November 7, 2014 SCIENCE Journals Unite for Reproducibility McNutt
November 11, 2014 Kleinman Michael T SRP
November 12, 2014 Delta Letters to Kleinman-CARB re SRP
November 12, 2014 & November 5, 2014 & October 22, 2014 Delta Letters to Kleinman & CARB re SRP Member Qualifications
November 13, 2014 Young USC PPT PM2.5-Ozone & Acute CA Deaths
November 13, 2014 USC PM2.5 Deaths & Issues for PM Enstrom
November 13, 2014 Smog in Beijing China 2014
November 13, 2014 Young-Enstrom PPT Presentation "Air Pollution and Daily Deaths in California" at USC Biostatistics Seminar
November 14, 2014 Evidence Relevant to Michael T. Kleinman as CARB SRP Chair (UCI website, CARB website, SacBee StatePay)
November 14, 2014 Kleinman Michael T UCI SRP AIR SacBee StatePay
November 14, 2014 Kleinman Michael T UC Irvine 2011 Retirement
November 13, 2014 Enstrom 'Air Pollution Issues Relevant to USC' PPT for Young Talk at USC
November 17, 2014 UCS Public Health Letter Opposing HR 4012 & HR 1422
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November 17, 2014 UCS Letter Opposing EPA SAB Reform Act HR 1422
November 18, 2014 Enviro Coalition Letter Opposing HR 1422 & HR 4012
November 25, 2014 UCOP Response to CPRA SRP Request
November 25, 2014 EPA FR Proposal to Lower Ozone NAAQS
November 25, 2014 Young Comments to EPA re CPP CO2 Regulations
November 26, 2014 Dunn Comments to EPA re CPP CO2 Regulations
December 1, 2014 Lamar Smith Letter to EPA McCarthy Opposing EPA Clean Power Plan Guidelines
December 1, 2014 Enstrom Comments to EPA re Clean Power Plan and PM2.5 Scientific Misconduct
December 5, 2014 DailyCaller Legislators Propose Hostile Takeover of UC
December 15, 2014 Delta Letter to SRP Members re Conflicts of Interest AttUC
December 15, 2014 Delta Letter to SRP Members re Conflicts of Interest Att
December 15, 2014 Delta Letter to SRP Members re Conflicts of Interest
January 2, 2015 Circulation Research Paper by Pope and Gapstur on PM2.5 and Mortality in ACS CPS II 1982-2004
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January 2, 2015 Circulation Research Paper on Fine Particulate Air Pollution and CVD Mortality by Pope using ACS CPS II Data "Relationships Between Fine Particulate Air Pollution, Cardiometabolic Disorders, and Cardiovascular Mortality" Circulation Research. 2015; 116: 108-115 Published online before print October 27, 2014, doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.116.305060
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January 16, 2015 Enstrom Whistleblower Complaint Against Kiser re 2010 SPH WOS Appointment Extension
January 20, 2015 Stand and Fight Club Hearing in Redding Opposing CARB Diesel Regulations and Policies and August 1, 2009 Enstrom None of This is Real Diesel Science Talk at CDTOA/SCCA Conference
February 2, 2015 Caltech Policy on Research Misconduct
February 15, 2015 Edward J. Calabrese Email to Resource Chairman re Two EJC Papers on NAS Role in LNT
February 17, 2015 Enstrom Letter to VC Research Economou re August 15, 2015 CCTA Letter to Block re Jerrett
March 6, 2015 FIRE Article About Enstrom Victory Over UCLA in First Amendment Retaliation Lawsuit
March 9, 2015 National Review Online column by my lead ACLJ attorney David French
March 9, 2015 Enstrom Letter to Robert Kenner re "Merchants of Doubt" Movie with Singer Attachments
March 11, 2015 Bakersfield Californian Column by Lois Henry "UCLA's Immense Power Couldn't Squash this David"
March 12, 2015 National Review Online column by my lead ACLJ attorney David French
March 18, 2015 Science Insider articles on US House Approval of H.R. 1030, Secret Science Reform Act
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March 29, 2015 Enstrom Letter to Erik M. Conway of JPL re "Merchants of Doubt" Defamation Requesting Retraction
March 31, 2015 San Joaquin Valley Transboundary Ozone Pollution Conference Agenda
April 7, 2015 TCEQ Workshop Ozone Epidemiology Overview PPT
April 11, 2015 Lancet Comment by Editor Richard Horton " Offline: What is medicine's 5 sigma?"
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April 13, 2015 JPL FOIA Officer Letter to Enstrom re March 29, 2015 Enstrom Letter to JPL re Conway Background
April 28, 2015 US Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Approval of S. 544, Secret Science Reform Act
April 28, 2015 ALA State of Air 2015
April 29, 2015 Science Insider article "Senate advances 'secret science' bill, setting up possible showdown with White House"
May 1, 2015 Moreno Valley World Logisitics Center Final Environmental Impact Report Website
May 1, 2015 Risk Analysis 2015 Long-Term PM 2.5 C-R Function Fann
May 13, 2015 CA Air Quality & Acute Deaths 2000-2012 Tables Young
May 24, 2015 Los Angeles Daily News column "Regulators must clear the air about the data they use: Susan Shelley"
May 29, 2015 Science Insights by Rosenberg of Union of Concerned Scientists "Congress's Attacks on Science-based Rules""
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June 1, 2015 EHP Fine Ultrafine PM and IHD Deaths in CA Teachers Ostro
June 1, 2015 EHP Fine Ultrafine PM and IHD Deaths in CA Teachers Supp
June 4, 2015 Enstrom Email to Science Editor McNutt re AAAS and PM2.5 Epidemiology Misconduct and Secret Science Reform
June 4, 2015 Enstrom Email to McNutt on PM2.5 Epi & April 11, 2015 Lancet Comment by Horton on Incorrect Science
June 4, 2015 Enstrom Email to McNutt on PM2.5 Epi & June 6, 2015 Wall Street Journal Editorial on Scientific Fraud and Politics
June 6, 2015 Wall Street Journal Editorial on Scientific Fraud and Politics
June 11, 2015 International Conference on Climate Change Enstrom Talk and PPT "EPA's Clean Power Plan and PM2.5-related Co-benefits"
June 24, 2015 Enstrom Letter to Robert Kenner re "Merchants of Doubt" DVD with Prior Letter & Attachments
June 26, 2015 SCIENCESelf-correction in Science Alberts McNutt
June 30, 2015 Coalition for Clean Air Financial Statement
July 3, 2015 SCIENCE Editorial "Beyond the two-degree Inferno" by Marcia McNutt
July 13, 2015 Enstrom Letter to Moreno Valley Regarding World Logistics Center Final Environmental Impact Report
July 31, 2015 Enstrom Email to Health Effects Officer Ospital re False SCAQMD Health Claims re Diesel
August 4, 2015 U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Majority Report "Obama's Carbon Mandate"
August 14, 2015 William Matt Briggs Letter to Moreno Valley Regarding World Logistics Center Final Environmental Impact Report
August 14, 2015 Robert F. Phalen Email Letter to Moreno Valley Regarding World Logistics Center Final Environmental Impact Report
August 20, 2015 Enstrom Email to Loveridge re MoVal Approval of WLC
August 24, 2015 Enstrom Correspondence with Science re Particulate Matter Deaths Manuscripts Since June 4, 2015
August 31, 2015 Enstrom Letter to UC Academic Senate Chairs re Illegal Scientific Review Panel Appointments
September 12-13, 2015 Wall Street Journal Editorial "California's Climate Change Revolt"
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September 13, 2015 LATimes Proposition 65 Diesel Exhaust Warning
September 16, 2015 Science Insider on Nature Letter on Air Pollution Deaths Will Double by 2050
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September 24, 2015 HSC Chair Lamar Smith Letter to EPA Gina McCarthy Challenging re New Ozone NAAQS
September 25, 2015 SCAQMD 2016 AQMP CIAQC Off-Road Comments
October 1, 2015 Enviro Res PM2.5 Effect on LA Co Low BR Coker Ghosh
October 5, 2015 & September 29, 2015 Enstrom Emails to WV Attorney Jim Bordas re Eubanks & RICO Against Climate Deniers
October 6, 2015 Holt Town Hall & Enstrom Emails with Science re Particulate Matter Deaths Manuscripts Since June 4, 2015
October 10, 2015 Los Angeles Daily News Column by Susan Shelley "Clean-air agency rakes in high fees and higher salaries"
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October 10, 2015 Los Angeles Daily News Column by Susan Shelley on SCAQMD and SCAQMD Corruption Facts
October 15, 2015 WUWT Shukla & RICO20 Guilty of Racketeering Lewis
October 29, 2015 TCEQ Honeycutt Ozone Mortality Comparisons
October 30, 2015 SCAQMD SCAB Air Quality Forecast and October 1, 2015 EPA Ozone Levels for California Counties
November 1, 2015 Press Against CARB and SCAQMD: Bakersfield Californian 110115, San Bernardino Sun 102415, LA Daily News 102115, Wall Street Journal 101915 & 110715, LA Daily News 101015, Wall Street Journal 091215
November 9, 2015 California Health and Safety Code Definition of South Coast Air Quality Management District
November 16, 2015 Enstrom Email to Cassmassi and SMTPR Staff re Ozone and PM in SCAB
November 16, 2015 Enstrom Email to SCAQMD & PM2.5 Ozone Press
November 17, 2015 EPA Determination Memo for CASAC Particulate Matter Review Panel 2015-2018
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November 22, 2015 Enstrom Table with 2000-2015 Results Showing NO PM2.5 Premature Deaths in CA
November 24, 2015 HEI SR19 Exec Summ Diesel Emissions and Lung Cancer
November 24, 2015 HEI SR19 Press Release Diesel Emissions and Lung Cancer
December 4, 2015 SCAQMD STMPR IEc Mortality Risk Valuation AQMP Roman
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December 9, 2015 Peter Wood Nat Assoc Scholars Letter to CA Nat Acad Sci Members re Scientific Dissent
December 10, 2015 SCAQMD STMPR 2016 AQMP Socieocon Meeting Agenda
December 10, 2015 SCAQMD STMPR IEc Health & Econ Valuation PPT Roman
December 15, 2015 Enstrom Email to Roman Requesting NO IEc PM2.5 and Ozone Deaths for 2016 SCAB
December 18, 2015 Roman Reply to Enstrom Refusing to State NO IEc PM2.5 and Ozone Deaths for 2016 SCAB
December 18, 2015 Enstrom Email to Alberts re NAS to NAS Letter
December 22, 2015 Enstrom Email to Wesler re NAS to NAS Letter
December 23, 2015 Enstrom Email to IEc Principals re 121515 Roman Email 122315
January 1, 2016 Western Transportation News California Worst For Trucking
January 4, 2016 Wood Emails to Brown re NAS & Scientific Dissent
January 4, 2016 Enstrom Emails to Huguenin Schwarz Roman Ospital
January 7, 2016 IEc Schwarz Letter to Enstrom re IEc & SCAQMD
January 7, 2016 CARB Letter to SCAQMD re RECLAIM
January 11, 2016 Enstrom Email to Schwarz e IEc & 2016 SCAQMD AQMP
January 12, 2016 Enstrom Letter to Neandross re SCAQMD Lyou Removal Add
January 13, 2016 Bruin GOP Emails to Wessler and McNutt re NAS
January 15, 2016 Enstrom Email to Schaal re NAS to NAS Letter
January 26, 2016 Bruin GOP Exchange with Wessler and McNutt
January 28, 2016 Letter 300 Scientists to House Science Comm re Karl Data
January 29, 2016 Enstrom Emails to McNutt Wessler Schall
January 29, 2016 Enstrom Emails to McNutt re NAS Letter & Bruin GOP
January 29, 2016 Save Diablo Canyon Letter to California Energy Commission
February 1, 2016 Enstrom Emails to McNutt Wessler Schall Hinchman
February 3, 2016 SCAQMD Wallerstein Letter to CARB re RECLAIM
February 8, 2016 Enstrom Letter to SCGC Arriola re Snyder & CCA Lyou Add
February 8, 2016 Enstrom Summary of McNutt & NAS re Dissent
February 11, 2016 WSJ OpEd Pulling Plug on Obama Power Plan
February 11, 2016 WSJ Climate Agenda on the Line
February 12, 2016 Enstrom Emails to McNutt Wessler Schall Hinchman
February 16, 2016 Enstrom Email to Raikhel re Wessler & McNutt
February 16, 2016 Enstrom Summary re McNutt Science NAS Dissent
February 16, 2016 OEHHA Hot Spots Perchloroethylene Cancer Risk Factor
BMJ Open Ozone & Mortality Meta-Analysis Atkinson
February 26, 2016 Enstrom Email to UCR NAS re Wessler McNutt NAS
February 19, 2016 SGV Tribune Cacciotti Reappointed to AQMD Board
March 1, 2016 Forbes WSJ WTN OCR CARB Diesel Fraud
March 1, 2016 OC Register Editorial California Worst Trucking State
March 4, 2016 SCAQMD Board Meeting Minutes
March 4, 2016 Enstrom Note to Neandross re Wallerstein & Lyou
March 15, 2016 Enstrom Wood Summary re McNutt Science NAS Dissent
March 16, 2016 SCAQMD Governing Board & Assistants Roster
March 20, 2016 Enstrom Email to Cassmassi re 2016 SCAQMD AQMP
April 1, 2016 EHPPM&MortalityNIH-AARPDietHealthCohortThurston
April 1, 2016 SCAQMD Telephone Directory
April 6, 2016 EPA 1979-82 IPN Report Data Summary Vol 1 1984
April 7, 2016 EPA 1979-82 IPN Report Data Summary VOL 1 1984
April 14, 2016 US House HR 4775 Backgr HHRG-114-IF03-20160414-SD002
April 19, 2016 ALA State of the Air 2016
April 20, 2016 SCAQMD Board Committee Assignments
April 30, 2016 EPA 1979-82 IPN Report Data Summary Vol 3 1984
May 1, 2016 Environ Intern Multi-pollutant Exposures in LA Co Coker Ghosh
May 10, 2016 Enstrom Emails to Hall & Glickfield re Climate Hustle
May 15, 2016 AJRCCM Editorial Year of Ozone Schwartz
May 15, 2016 AJRCCM Ozone & Mortality in ACS CPS II Turner
May 18, 2016 US House Science Comm Letter to CAAJ Harris re AGW
May 20, 2016 Enstrom Emails to Hall & Tripati & Noes to Debate
May 23, 2016 EPA CASAC PM Panel Teleconference Agenda
May 23, 2016 Dishonesty of SCAQMD Board Member Clark Parker
May 23, 2016 SCAQMD Board Member Clark Parker Bio
June 1, 2016 CA Air Quality & Acute Deaths 2000-2012 1502.03062 Young
June 1, 2016 EPA Docket Integrated Review Plan PM2.5 NAAQS McClellan
June 1, 2016 SCAQMD Telephone Directory
June 8, 2016 HR 4775 House Vote 060816 & CARB Truck Reg Decision
June 13, 2016 EPA CASAC PM Member research grants Milloy
June 17, 2016 US House Science Comm Letter to Harris re AGW
June 22, 2016 US House ECC HR 4775 041416 US Senate EPW S2882 Ozone
June 24, 2016 SCIENCE IARC Reports Create Mostly Confustion
June 28, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 AQMP Appendix I Health Effects Rev Draft
June 28, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 Preliminary Health Benefit Handout
June 30, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 AQMP Ch 2 Air Q & Health Effects
June 30, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 AQMP FactSheet
June 30, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 AQMP Full Draft
July 15, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 AQMP Appendix II Air Quality
July 19, 2016 SoCalBusCoal Talk SCAQMD on Ozone & SCAQMD 2016 AQMP
July 19, 2016 SoCalBusCoal Meeting on AQMD Enstrom Bio & Talk
July 22, 2016 SCAQMD Health Effects Advisory Council
July 28, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 Preliminary Health Benefit Handout
July 28, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 AQMP Appendix I Health Effects Rev Draft
August 1, 2016 Enstrom Letter to BYU Worthen re Pope & AQMP Att
August 1, 2016 Enstrom Letter to BYU Worthern re Pope & AQMP
August 1, 2016 Enstrom to BYU Three Tables
August 8, 2016 Enstrom to Utah Three Tables and Smith Letter
August 8, 2016 Enstrom Letter to UT Legislators re Pope & AQMP
August 8, 2016 Enstrom Letter to UT Legislators re Pope & AQMP Att
August 11, 2016 ATS Excess Mortality Caused By Air Pollution Cromar
August 12, 2016 Dunn Comments to SCAMQD re AQMP Health Effects Att
August 12, 2016 Dunn Letter to SCAQMD re 2016 AQMP Att
August 13, 2016 Nebert Letter to SCAQMD re 2016 AQMP PM2.5 Deaths
August 13, 2016 WSJ Is Little Dose of Radiation So Bad
August 15, 2016 Enstrom Comments to SCAQMD Health Effects Officer Ghosh re 2016 AQMP Appendix I Health Effects
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August 15, 2016 Enstrom Table with 2000-2016 Results Showing NO PM2.5 Premature Deaths in Californi
August 15, 2016 Fulks Letter to SCAQMD re 2013n AQMP PM2.5 Deaths
August 15, 2016 Enstrom Comments re SCAQMD 2013 AQMP Health Effectsw
August 15, 2016 Enstrom Comments re SCAQMD 2016 AQMP Health
August 15, 2016 Jerrett AP&CADeaths AJRCCM090113 CARB120511 JEE081516
August 16, 2016 BizFed Letter to Pavley Opposing SB32
August 18, 2016 SCAQMD Health Effects Agenda-AQMP Advisory Council
August 19, 2016 Nelson Comments to Ghosh re AQMP Health Effects
August 24, 2016 Enstrom Comments to NAS NRC Toxic Risks Committee
August 24, 2016 Husing Comments to Ghosh re AQMP Health Effects
August 26, 2016 WSJ Op-Ed Free Speech is Basis of Education Zimmer
August 26, 2016 CSBA LaMarr Comment Letter on 2016 AQMP APX-I
August 26, 2016 Enstrom LaMarr Nebert Comments re 2016 AQMP
August 30, 2016 Enstrom Email to Hiatt re NAS NRC Toxics Committee
August 30, 2016 Enstrom Email to Hiatt re NAS NRC Toxics Committee
August 30, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 AQMP Draft Socioeconomic Report
August 30, 2016 Enstrom Email to Hiatt re NAS NRC Toxics Committee
August 31, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 AQMP Draft Socioeconomic Report
August 31, 2016 CASAC PM Panel
September 6, 2016 Milloy Letter to NAS Farland re Toxic Risks Committee
September 8, 2016 Enstrom Email to Farland re NAS NRC Hiatt Att
September 1, 2016 RiskAnalysis PM & Est Attributable Mortality McClellan
September 15, 2016 Jerrett CCTA081514 Enstrom021715 Ghosh081516 Pollack091516
September 22, 2016 BizFed No on Sb 32 USC Field Poll CA Death Rates
September 23, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 AQMP Draft SES Report
October 7, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 AQMP Appendix I Health Effects Rev Draft 072116
October 8, 2016 Enstrom Email to Hiatt re NAS NRC Toxics Comm
October 9, 2016 Nebert Letter to SCAQMD 081316 & Email re Smog Fee
November 15, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 AQMP Public Hearings re Health Effects
November 15, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 Public Hearings Health Effects Ghosh
November 15, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 AQMP Public Hearing Summary Krause
November 25, 2016 WSJ Op-Ed Trump's Envrionmental Reset Strassel
December 1, 2016 ICMJE Uniform Recommendations for Medical Journals (The Uniform Requirements)
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December 5, 2016 EPA Integrated Review Plan for PM NAAQS
December 8, 2016 SCAQMD 2016 AQMP Appendix I Health Effects Final Draft
December 21, 2016 December 21, 2016 US Office Research Integrity Hohmann Email to Enstrom re Jerrett PM2.5 Misconduct
January 12, 2017 UCLA Signed Climate Change Letter to President Trump
January 12, 2017 UC Berkeley Signed Climate Change Letter to President Trump
January 12, 2017 UC Davis Signed Climate Change Letter to President Trump
January 30, 2017 Enstrom Email with Criticism of Ghosh re SCAQMD 2016 AQMP
January 30, 2017 Enstrom Criticism of Ghosh re SCAQMD 2016 AQMP with Tables and Jerrett Misconduct
January 31, 2017 California Faculty Signed Climate Change Letter to President Trump
February 10, 2017 Enstrom Letter to UCLA Professors and Leaders re AFA Soon Forum and AGW & AQMP
March 10, 2017 Enstrom Email to Greenbaum and Cohen re PM2.5 and CPS II in HEI 2000 and HEI 2009
March 28, 2017 Dose-Response Enstrom PM2.5 and Total Mortality in CPS II Cohort Reanalysis Article
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April 10, 2017 Enstrom Email to Pope and Krewski re PM2.5 and CPS II in HEI 2000 and HEI 2009e
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April 16, 2017 Bakersfield Californian Lois Henry Column Unpopular Science Plays Vital Role in Getting at Truth
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April 20, 2017 Delta Letter to EPA re Scott Pruitt Shutdown
May 12, 2017 Enstrom Comments to EPA re PM2.5 NAAQS Reform as per Executive Order 13777
May 13, 2017 Lancet Global Burden Cohen PIIS0140673617305056
May 13, 2017 Lancet Editorial Dockery PIIS01406736730884X
May 19, 2017 Enstrom Email to HEI Chair Celeste re HEI and Pope Response to Enstrom D-R Article
May 23, 2017 Wall Street Journal Editorial Board of Scientific Conformity
May 26, 2017 Enstrom Email to Michelle Turner re PM2.5 Deaths in CPS II and Enstrom Dose-Response Article
June 9, 2017 SCIENCE Editorial Dishonest HONEST Act Michaels
June 15, 2017 Enstrom Email to Aaron Cohen re PM2.5 Deaths in CPS II and HEI 2000 and HEI 2009
June 21, 2017 Delta Letter to EPA re Scott Pruitt Update
June 28, 2017 Critical Reviews Toxicology PM 2.5 Mortality Relations
June 29, 2017 NEJM Article Air Pollution and Mortality in Medicare Population by Schwartz and Dominici
June 29, 2017 NEJM Editorial Air Pollution Still Kills by Drazen
June 30, 2017 Arden Pope Email to Enstrom re PM2.5 Deaths in CPS II and Enstrom Dose-Response Article
July 1, 2017 Kabat AJE Book Review Hartge
July 4, 2017 Enstrom Email to W. Ryan Diver re PM2.5 Deaths in CPS II and Enstrom Dose-Response Article
July 6, 2017 Aaron Cohen Email Responding to June 15, 2017 Enstrom email re PM2.5 Deaths in CPS II and HEI 2000 and HEI 2009
July 18, 2017 NEJM Enstrom Letter re Air Pollution and Mortality in Medicare Population
July 20, 2017 Calabrese Lecture
July 25, 2017 Young CA 2000-2012 RTP
July 31, 2017 Enstrom Response to Pope Letter re PM2.5 Deaths in CPS II and Enstrom Dose-Response Article
August 12, 2017 DDP Scientific Misconduct
August 12, 2017 Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Enstrom Scientific Misconduct in PM2.5 Epidemiology PPT
August 17, 2017 Enstrom Email to Reedy re PM2.5 Deaths in CPS II
August 28, 2017 Enstrom Email to Cochran re Jerrett Research Misconduct
September 6, 2017 AJE Causality in PM2.5 Relationships
September 7, 2017 EPA Science Advisory Board Candidate Biosketches
September 7, 2017 EPA SAB Nominations Enstrom Bio
September 11, 2017 Enstrom Delivery to Wakimoto re Jerrett Allegation
September 18, 2017 Wakimoto Letter to Enstrom re Jerrett Allegation
September 19, 2017 ACS Studies Outline PM2.5 prepared by Pope
October 10, 2017 LNT History Abriged Calabrese
October 10, 2017 EPA Fact Sheet Proposed Repeal Clean Power Plan
October 12, 2017 NEJM Enstrom Letter to MediCare PM2.5 Study
October 13, 2017 Enstrom Email to ACS CEO Reedy re PM2.5 Deaths in CPS II
November 3, 2017 AFEC ACS Promotes PM2.5 Pseudoscience Enstrom PPT
November 3, 2017 NEJM Research Paper AP Mortality CPS II Enstrom
November 9, 2017 TPPF EPA PM2.5 NAAQS Petition
November 9, 2017 AFEC Final Conference Program
November 13, 2017 NEJM Rejection Letter re AP Mortality in CPS II Enstrom
November 22, 2017 JAMA 147406 Air Pollution Deaths in CPS II Enstrom
November 28, 2017 JAMA Decision Letter re AP Mortality in CPS II
December 13, 2017 Dose-Response 1559325817746303 Pope Krewski
December 15, 2017 Academic Questions LNT Calabrese
December 15, 2017 AJRCCM Air Pollution Deaths in CPS II Enstrom
December 22, 2017 Dose-Response 1559325817749412 Gapstur Brawley
December 26, 2017 JAMA Editorial Air Pollution Death Policy Zhang
December 26, 2017 JAMA Short-Term Air Pollution & Mortality in Medicare Di
January 9, 2018 Dose-Response Letter by Stan Young Supporting March 28, 2017 Enstrom Dose-Response Article
January 22, 2018 Dose-Response Letter by Frederick Lipfert Supporting March 28, 2017 Enstrom Dose-Response Article
January 23, 2018 UCS v EPA Complaint
January 23, 2018 Delta Letters Protesting Qualifications of SRP Members
January 31, 2018 Enstrom Complaint to Duke re Junfeng Zhang Research Misconduct in JAMA Editorial with Addendum
January 31, 2018 HEI Annual Report 2017
February 12, 2018 Dose-Response Letter by John Dunn Supporting March 28, 2017 Enstrom Dose-Response Article
February 20, 2018 Leiba Letter & Attach to SJCAPCD Sayed Sadredin
February 20, 2018 Enstrom Request to Koretz and LA City ECCEJ Committee re Cap & Trade, RecycLA, and SCAQMD
March 20, 2018 SCAQMD Governing Board & Assistants Roster
March 20, 2018 Enstrom UCLA "Research Professor" Items
March 22, 2018 JAPS PM2.5 Epidemiology Distortions Enstrom
March 25, 2018 Enstrom & Kleinman "Professor" Title Items
April 3, 2018 UCLA Environmental Law Faculty
April 5, 2018 SCAQMD Governing Board Members History
April 10, 2018 ALA State of the Air 2018
April 12, 2018 ALA State of the Air 2018 Californians at Risk
April 12, 2018 Presidential Memorandum for EPA Administrator
April 17, 2018 Circulation PM2.5 & Heart Deaths in US NHIS Parker
April 20, 2018 AAAS Statement on EPA Disallowing Evidence in Decisions
April 23, 2018 UCS secret-science-letter to EPA
April 24, 2018 EPA Strenghtening Transparency in Regulatory Science
April 25, 2018 Enstrom Email to Carlson re California Waiver
April 27, 2018 PopularScience EPA Jeopardizing Scienctific Research
April 29, 2018 HEI 2018 Annual Conference Final Program
April 30, 2018 HEI 2018 AC Burnett Pm Resproducibility & AP Epi
April 30, 2018 HEI Annual Conference Attendee List Final
May 1, 2018 FR EPA Transparency in Science-NPRM-2018
May 3, 2018 ALA2018.State of the Air
May 4, 2018 SCIENCE Berg Joint Statement on EPA Transparency Rule
May 4, 2018 SCIENCE Goal of EPA Data Access Rule
May 7, 2018 UCLA Environmental Law Faculty
May 9, 2018 Enstrom Email Exchange with Ioannidis re PLoS Med & Enstrom Reanalysis of Pope 1995
May 10, 2018 UCLA Environmental Law Faculty No Volokh
May 10, 2018 EPA SAB External Roster
May 11, 2018 CMS Medicare EUA Access Form
May 13, 2018 EPA SAC Working Group Memo 2080-AA14-Final
May 22, 2018 UCS Comment to EPA SAB re Transparency Rule
May 22, 2018 JAMA Lipfert Cox Young Letters re Schwartz Medicare
May 29, 2018 Dose-Response PM2.5 Deaths CPS II Enstrom-Pope-JAPS
May 29, 2018 Dose-Response Enstrom Reponse Letter
May 29, 2018 Bachmann EPA SAB Statement re Transparency
May 30, 2018 Enstrom EPA SAB Public Comments 88483770
May 31, 2018 Delta 52318 Letter to EPA Supporting Transparency
June 4, 2018 Enstrom Email to Commenters Against EPA Transparency
June 6, 2018 U Wash Vi Le Comment Opposting EPA Transparency
June 11, 2018 EPA CASAC FY 2019 Candidate Enstrom
June 11, 2018 EPA CASAC FY 2019 List of Candidates-web
June 12, 2018 JAMA Forum Breath of Bad Air Cutler Dominici
June 12, 2018 Burnett HEI PM Reproducibility & Enstrom MA Slide
June 21, 2018 Kabat Atlantic Legal Foundation Talk PPT
July 3, 2018 City Journal California Climate Extremism Kotkin
July 5, 2018 Bakersfield Californian Henry Columns PM2.5 CARB Enstrom
July 11, 2018 AAMC-AAU-APLU-COGR EPA Transparency Comments
July 16, 2018 AAAS EPA Transparency Rule Comments
July 17, 2018 FR 9978-31 EPA Transparency Extension & Hearing
July 17, 2018 CSPI Peter Lurie Testimony re EPA Transparency Rule
July 30, 2018 Enstrom re Milken Goldman-Michaels Anti-EPA Transparency
August 1, 2018 Enviro Res Meta-Analysis PM2.5 Deaths Vodonos Schwartz
August 7, 2018 Harvard Emmett Environmental Law Letter Protesting Proposed EPA Transparency Rule
August 12, 2018 EPA Transparency Rule Comments Niebert
August 14, 2018 Enstrom EPA Letter Supporting EPA Transparency 8290
August 15, 2018 Harvard Enviro Law Comments-EPA-HQ-OA-2018-0259
August 16, 2018 Eatough Ransom JS-AP-Mafia SciAm WHO-PM-Map
August 16, 2018 Entrom EPA Transparency Comment on NO PM2.5 Deaths
August 24, 2018 DDP Meeting Agenda Las Vegas Flyer
August 29, 2018 NEJM Perspective EPA Transparency as Mask Schwartz
August 31, 2018 SJVAPCD 2018 Draft PM2.5 Plan
September 14, 2018 Enstrom Email to SJVAPCD re 2018 Plan for PM2.5
September 26, 2018 Statistical Review - Fine Particulate Matter and Total Mortality-With Tables
September 27, 2018 CARB Comment 2-sjvsipsupplement-VTBROQR2UnUCdIU6
October 1, 2018 PM2.5 Working Group Enstrom Evidence NO PM2.5 Deaths
October 3, 2018 Senate EPW Comm EPA Transparency Witness & Member Items
October 16, 2018 EPA Enstrom Bio as Candidate for FY 2019 SAB
October 16, 2018 EPA List of Candidates for FY 2019 SAB
October 25, 2018 EPA Integrated Science Assesment PM-1STERD
October 25, 2018 CARB San Joaquin Valley Supplement to 2016 State SIP re PM2.5
October 26, 2018 LOC Post SABFY2019
October 29, 2018 Leiba Letter to SIVAPCD CAC re PM2.5 Plan
November 6, 2018 SJVAPCD CAC Subcommittee Report on PM 2.5 Deaths Debate
November 15, 2018 SJVAPCD Board Meeting Agenda 10 Adopt PM2.5 Plan
November 30, 2018 LA Times Editorial Staff Directory
November 30, 2018 Complaint re Rust & LA Times Emails to Soon
November 30, 2018 Rust LA Times Emails to Soon
December 12, 2018 EPA CSAC 1018 PM ISA Public Meeting Agenda
January 9, 2019 Enstrom Letter & Docs to Emmett RE UCLA Law
January 24, 2019 Enstrom Review of BMJ MS BMJ-2018-048424 Wang PM2.5 Medicare Study
February 13, 2019 Enstrom Email to USC Pres and Provost re Thomas, Berhane, & SCAQMD
February 15, 2019 Enstrom Emails with USC Provost re Thomas, Berhane, & SCAQMD
February 15, 2019 and July 3, 2014 Enstrom Emails with USC Provost, Thomas, Jon Samet
February 22, 2019 Enstrom Complaint to USC Vice Pres Research Hall re USC Prev Med & SCAQMD
March 19, 2019 Enstrom Allegations of Misconduct by USC Prev Med Profs re PM2.5 Deaths
March 28, 2019 Enstrom Comment to EPA on CASAC Letter re 2018 EPA PM Integrated Science Assessment
April 18, 2019 BMJ Peer Review First Decision by Loder re BMJ Wang PM2.5 Medicare Study
April 24, 2019 American Lung Association 'State of the Air 2019'
May 6, 2019 Enstrom Emails with Editors Loder and Cook re BMJ Wang PM2.5 Medicare Review
May 23, 2019 Enstrom Emails to USC Economics Chair Matthew Kahn re USC Preventive Medicine Misconduct
June 12, 2019 Enstrom Complaint to Grifo re 2018 EPA PM ISA Assessor Jason Sacks,
July 9, 2019 Enstrom Email to SCAQMD EO Nastri re Suspend 2016 AQMD & Appeal to EPA
July 20, 2019 DDP PPT by Enstrom "The PM2.5 Deaths Controversy: Combating Pseudoscientists
July 20, 2019 DDP Talk by Enstrom "The PM2.5 Deaths Controversy: Combating Pseudoscientists
August 20, 2019 Harvard Emmett Environmental Law Letter by Jacobs Opposing EPA Transparency Rule
September 4, 2019 Response from EPA SIO Grifo-Cogliano re 061219 Enstrom Compliant re Sacks
September 9, 2019 American College of Epidemiology Roundtable "Misuse of Epidemiology re PM2.5 and Roundup"
October 22, 2019 EPA CASAC PM Policy Assessment Teleconference 101719 Enstrom Comment
November 18, 2019 Enstrom Email to Critics re 102219 EPA CASAC PM PA Teleconference
November 27, 2019 BMJ-2018-048424 Wei-Wang Paper Short term PM2.5 & Medicare Hospital Admissions"
December 3, 2019 EPA CASAC PM PA & PM2.5 NAAQS Teleconference 121119 Enstrom Comment
December 6, 2019 Science Miranda Editorial on EPA Transparency Rule & Young Criticism
December 11, 2019 Enstrom Letter & Oct 22 EPA to Science re Miranda Editorial on EPA Transparency
December 13, 2019 Enstrom Science eLetter re Miranda Science Editorial on EPA Transparency
January 17, 2020 EPA SAB Transparency Rule Teleconference 011320 Enstrom Full Comment
January 17, 2020 EPA SAB Transparency Rule Teleconference 011420 Enstrom Redacted Comment
January 17, 2020 Enstrom Oral Statement to 011720 EPA SAB re Transparency Rule
January 24, 2020 EPA Final Policy Assessment for Review of PM NAAQS
February 7-8, 2020 NAS 'Fixing Science' Conference at Independent Institute Program and Speakers
February 7-8, 2020 National Association of Scholars Conference at Independent Institute in Oakland "Fixing Science: Practical Solutions for the Irreproducibility Crisis"
(NAS brief write up, slides, and videos are here: (
February 8, 2020 Enstrom NAS Talk YouTube “Reproducibility is Essential to Combating Environmental Lysenkoism”
February 8, 2020 NAS 'Fixing Science' Conference Enstrom "Reproducibility to Combat Environmental Lysenkoism" PPT
February 8, 2020 NAS 'Fixing Science' Conference Enstrom "Reproducibility to Combat Environmental Lysenkoism" Added PPT
February 8, 2020 NAS Enstrom PPT Slide & Fineberg Email & Fineberg-Allison JAMA Viewpoint
February 15, 2020 Enstrom Emails to Allison & Fineberg re Enstrom Reanalysis & JAMA Viewpoint
March 3, 2020 EPA Transparency Rule “Increasing Transparency in Regulatory Science” Supplement
March 18, 2020 Enstrom Comment Supporting EPA Transparency Rule Based on Prior Comments
March 27, 2020 SCIENCE Policy Forum Manuscript "EPA Transparency Rule is Scientifically Justified"
April 17, 2020 Enstrom Comment Supporting EPA Transparency Rule Showing SCIENCE Rejections
May 18, 2020 Enstrom Comment Supporting EPA Transparency Rule via Fineberg Allison JAMA
June 29, 2020 Enstrom Comment Supporting Current EPA PM2.5 NAAQS
August 2, 2020 Enstrom Comment Supporting EPA Clean Air Act Benefits and Costs Reform
August 13, 2020 NEJM Sounding Board IPMRP Need for Tighter Particulate Matter NAAQS
August 15, 2020 DDP PPT by Enstrom "Reforming Higher Education: UC Case Study"
September 2, 2020 NEJM Enstrom Letter re 081320 NEJM SB and Retain PM2.5 NAAQS
September 10, 2020 Rejection of 090220 Enstrom Letter re 081320 NEJM Sounding Board on PM2.5 NAAQS
June 14, 2021 Enstrom Comment Against Rescinding EPA Benefit and Cost Rule
June 27, 2021 William Happer Declaration for Gov Acct CPRA Request re UCLA Emmett Institute
July 8, 2021 Enstrom Review of ES&T Manuscript re PM2.5 Medicare Deaths with Added Refs
July 8, 2021 Enstrom Review of ES&T Manuscript re PM2.5 Medicare Deaths
July 22, 2021 Enstrom Comment to NASEM NAAQS Committee re Assessing Evidence
July 27, 2021 Enstrom Email to Nature re Emory U Shi Misuse of Medicare for AP Pseudoscience
August 1, 2021 DDP PPT by Enstrom "The Corruption of STEM Education: Harvey Mudd College-->Maria Klawe College"
August 10, 2021 Enstrom Email to Medicare re Privacy Policy and Emory & Harvard Misuse of Medicare
August 11, 2021 Enstrom Email to Zigler re NASEM EPA IRIS and Bero + Dominici Misconduct
August 30, 2021, Enstrom Email to Emory SPH Dean Curran re Misuse of Medicare Data by Shi Group
September 12, 2021 Unpublished BMJ Rapid Response from Enstrom re 090221 BMJ AP Deaths in ELAPSE by Strak
September 15, 2021 Enstrom Case for Removing Dominici from NASEM NAAQS Committee for Medicare Misuse
October 18, 2021 Enstrom Declaration in Support of Young & Cox v EPA Lawsuits Opposing CASAC & SAB
October 25, 2021 Enstrom Email to Clifford Duke re Removing NASEM NAAQS and IRIS Committee Members
October 28, 2021 Young & Cox v EPA Lawsuit by Jones Day Opposing CASAC & SAB Biased Scientists
November 15, 2021 Young-Cox Reply re Lawsuit by Jones Day Against EPA re CASAC & SAB Biased Scientists
November 17, 2021 Public Comment to EPA CASAC PM Panel by SAB and NAS NAAQS Member Richard L. Smith
December 10, 2021 Enstrom Comments to EPA CASAC PM Panel on 2021 PM ISA Supplement and 2021 PM PA
December 10, 2021 PM2.5 Publications of EPA CASAC PM Panel
January 4, 2022 Enstrom Email to HTHCSPH Quackenbush with Scientific Misconduct Complaint Against Francesca Dominici
February 2, 2022 Enstrom Email to Xiao Wu re PM2.5 Deaths and Dominici and PM2.5 NAAQS
February 25, 2022 Enstrom Public Comment to EPA CASAC PM Panel and YouTube Video
( ) (,19:P19_ID:966)
March 3, 2022 Enstrom Allegations to CSU RIO re Jennifer Peel Misconduct and CSU RIO Reply
March 16, 2022 MIT Save Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant via Electricity & Desalinization PPT
April 13, 2022 Enstrom Email to Trevor Hastie re Stanford Postdoc Xiao Wu & PM2.5 Deaths
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April 18, 2022 Science Editor Holden Thorp rejects Enstrom Request for PM2.5 Transparency
April 19, 2022 Enstrom Email to David Eaton Requesting PM2.5 Deaths Debate with Sheppard
June 8, 2022 Enstrom Public Comment to EPA CASAC Ozone Panel and YouTube Video
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July 22, 2022 Enstrom Email to HEI Board Chair Meserve re HEI Misconduct on PM2.5 Deaths
August 25, 2022 Enstrom Comment on NASEM Formaldehyde Committee re Samet & Sheppard
August 29, 2022 Enstrom Public Comment to EPA CASAC Ozone Panel and YouTube Video
( (minutes 18-24))
September 29, 2022 AAAS Li Email Blocking Enstrom from AAAS Community re EPA Transparency
October 18, 2022 Enstrom Criticism of SCAQMD 2022 AQMP Based on Criticism of 2016 AQMP
November 2, 2022 Enstrom Criticism of SCAQMD 2022 AQMP SES Report via NO PM2.5 Deaths
November 28, 2022 Enstrom Email to ACS CEO Knudsen re PM2.5 Deaths in CPS II
January 23, 2023 Enstrom Proposal to CARB on CA PM2.5 Deaths & Life Expectancy
January 26, 2023 Enstrom Email to CARB Research Screening Comm re PM2.5 Deaths
February 16, 2023 Enstrom Email to ACS Board Eccles and CEO Knudsen re EPA Misuse of CPS II
February 17, 2023 Holland & Knight Hurwitz Letter re Cease & Desist Contact With ACS
February 22, 2023 Young & Cox v EPA Appellate Brief Opposing Biden CASAC and SAB via FACA
March 28, 2023 Enstrom Comment to EPA to Retain PM2.5 NAAQS Based on Prior Comments
March 28, 2023 Enstrom Comment to EPA re ACS and HTHCSPH Block Criticism of PM2.5 NAAQS
March 28, 2023 NAAQS Regulatory Review Coalition Comments on EPA PM2.5 NAAQS Reconsideration
March 31, 2023 CO2 Coalition Wrightstone Email to ACS Chair Marlow re Enstrom & CPS II & PM2.5
April 6, 2023 Enstrom Comment to CARB on UCLA Michael Jerrett re CA PM2.5 Death Claims
April 6, 2023 Enstrom Comment to CARB on USC Rob McConnell re CA PM2.5 Death Claims
April 6, 2023 Enstrom Comment to CARB on Jennifer Hernandez & CARB Jim Crow Regulations
April 6, 2023 Enstrom Comment to CARB on Retaining EPA PM2.5 NAAQS
April 6, 2023 Enstrom Comment to CARB on ACS Blocking PM2.5 Criticism
April 29, 2023 California Globe on CARB Using Chinese Research to Ban Diesel Trucks Citing Enstrom
July 20, 2023 Amer Chem Council Complaint to EPA & NASEM re Formaldehyde 072023
July 27, 2023 Green Breakdown--Renewable Energy Failure Book PDF by Steve Goreham
August 7, 2023 Enstrom Email to Phillips on ACS Scientific Misconduct re CPS II & Mission
August 8, 2023 CFACT Pres Rucker Email to Phillips re Reject EPA PM2.5 Regs and Support Enstrom
August 21, 2023 Geoffrey Kabat PhD Email to Phillips Supporting Enstrom re ACS Scientific Misconduct
October 27, 2023 James Hunter Trial Brief for EnerPolAdvoc CPRA Request re UCLA Emmett Institute
October 27, 2023 Chris Horner Declaration for EnerPolAdvoc CPRA Request re UCLA Emmett Institute
November 2, 2023 Enstrom Email to UCLA Law Dean Michael Waterstone re UCLA Emmett Institute
November 6, 2023 Enstrom Summary re UCLA Emmett Institute and Hunter CPRA Requests
November 24, 2023 Science Article by Henneman “Mortality risk from United States coal electricity generation”
November 27, 2023 Enstrom Email Letter to GMU RIO re Henneman Research Misconduct
December 4, 2023 Unposted Enstrom eLetter for November 24, 2023 Science Article by Henneman
December 9, 2023 Steve Goreham Email to LADWP re Green Breakdown of LA100
December 26, 2023 Jane Orient, MD, Letter to GMU RIO DiTeresi re Henneman Misconduct
December 29, 2023 Enstrom Letter Applying to Serve as Pro-Bono CARB Health Analysis Consultant
March 5, 2024 Enstrom Email to Science Misconduct re Henneman Research Misconduct
March 11, 2024 Science Refusal to Investigate Enstrom Allegation of Henneman Research Misconduct
March 11, 2024 CO2 Coalition Letter & Appendix to CARB & Others Documenting NO California Climate Crisis
May 20, 2024 Enstrom Email to HEI Chair Meserve re Science Promotion of LNT and PM2.5 Death
May 29, 2024 Enstrom Email to UC VP Research Teresa Maldanado re Science on LNT & PM2.5
June 5, 2024 Enstrom Email to Committee for 2017 Georgia Tech PhD Dissertation of Henneman
June 6, 2024 Enstrom Email to George Mason U Provost Kenneth Walsh re Henneman Misconduct
2) UCLA Ph.D. and D. Env (Environmental Science and Engineering) Dissertations
Abbey David E Estimators of Means for Sampling 1972
Liu Chung S Photochemical Air Pollution Model 1976
Lemeshow Stanley Variance Estimation Techniques 1976
Ospital Jean J Rat Lungs Exposed to Nitrogen Dioxide 1976
Stewart Morgan E Proportionate Mortality Analysis 1979
Liu Chung S Air Pollution Consulting Internship 1980
Pope C Arden III US Crop Yields 1981
Hatfield Thomas H Siting Hazardous Waste Facilities 1985
Stewart Morgan E Observer Variability Breast Cancer 1985
Nelson Emily D P Air Toxics Exposure & Risk in SCAB 1987
Wallerstein Barry R Criteria Pollutants & Clean Air Act 1988
Cohen Aaron J Chemical Cohort 1991
Gapstur Susan Alcohol & Cancer 1993
Gold Mark A Health Risks Santa Monica Swimming 1994
Green Kenneth P Costs Environmental Regulations 1994
Cicero-Fernandez Pablo Vehicle Episodic Emissions 1995
Bekken Marijke L Strategy Locomotive Emissions 1995
Chou Chia-Yang D Factor Effects Exhaust Emissions 1995
Ritz Beate R Cancer Mortality in Rockwell Workers 1995
Ho Jerry Vehicle Hydrocarbon Speciation Impacts 1996
Benjamin Michael T GPS Collection of Vehicle Data 1997
Lash Timothy L Breast Cancer Etiology 1999
Fine Philip M Biomass Combustion & Fine Particles CIT 2002
Zhu Yifang Ultrafine Particles & Freeways 2003
Fruin Scott A Black Carbon & DPM Inside Vehicles 2003
Sax Todd P Air Emissions Inventories @ Wilmington 2004
Wilhelm Michelle H Motor Vehicle Pollution & Birth 2004
Ghosh Jo Kay Chan AP & Pregnancy in LA CO 2011
Turner Michelle C Lung Cancer CPS II 2012
Steward James Single Variable Calculus Seventh Ed 2012
3) University of California
LATimes UC Campaign Contributions to Obama & McCain
April 6, 2011 UCLA Faculty Center Protest Flyer Opposing UCLA Luskin Conference Center and Hotel Project
March 31, 2012 Wall Street Journal Op-Ed by Peter Berkowitz "How California's Colleges Indoctrinate Students:
A new report on the UC System documents the plague of politicized classrooms"
April 1, 2012 San Francisco Chronicle article by Debra J. Saunders "University echo chamber drowns out diverse voices"
April 2, 2012 NAS Report A Crisis of Competence: The Corrupting Effect of Political Activism in the University of California
April 9, 2012 Los Angeles Times Rejected Enstrom Letter in Response to NAS Report on UC Activism
April 10, 2012 Los Angeles Times Howard Waldow Letter in Response to NAS Report on UC Activism
April 18, 2012 Oroville Mercury Register Article "UC President States Faculty Should Educate Not Proselytize"
May 20, 2012 Los Angeles Times Op-Ed by Ellis and Geshekter on UC Problem When Academics Are Advocates
May 26, 2012 Los Angeles Times Letters in Response to UC Problem When Academics Are Advocates
June 14, 2012 UCLA Statement About Enstrom Lawsuit for Wrongful Termination
June 14, 2012 National Review Online Column by David French About ACLJ Lawsuit "The Left Loves Science?"
June 14, 2012 ACLJ News Release About American Center for Law and Justice Lawsuit for Wrongful Termination of Enstrom
June 15, 2012 Los Angeles Times Article by Larry Gordon "Researcher Sues UCLA for Political Firing"
June 20, 2012 FIRE Letter to UCLA Academic Senate Regarding Academic Freedom Claims of Enstrom
June 22, 2012 Announcement of Appointment of Interim School of Public Health Dean Thomas Rice
August 1, 2012 American Statistical Association Enstrom Presentation in San Diego "Do Fine Particulates Kill Californians?"
August 22, 2012 Investor's Business Daily Editorial "Academia Nuts: The Left's Bias Against Conservatives Is Real"
December 11, 2012 American Association of Physicans and Surgeons Article "Fallout from EPA Air Pollution Rules: Scientist’s Job Threatened for Inconvenient Research"
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July 18, 2013 UCLA Daily Bruin Settlement in Racial Discrimination Lawsuit
January 1, 2014 Enstrom Training as a Scientist(Physicist) History
February 25, 2014 UCLA Daily Bruin Former UCLA Employee Sues re Discrimination
May 7, 2014 National Review Online Manufacturing Scientific Consensus French
June 14, 2014 CEPH Accreditation - UCLA SPH Self Study Appendix
June 14, 2014 CEPH Final Accreditation Report for UCLA SPH
June 14, 2014 CEPH Accreditation - UCLA SPH Self-Study Report
August 27, 2014 UCLA Public Records Response LBBS
July 28, 2019 Evidence of NO Political Diversity at UCLA & UC in CalMat BR DB LAT CAS OpenSecrets
November 4, 2019 Enstrom Third-Party Comment to WSCUC re UCLA Reaccreditation Review
November 5, 2019 Prof Groseclose Third-Party Comment to WSCUC on Liberal Bias re UCLA Reaccreditation
November 25, 2019 NAS Peter Wood Third-Party Comment to WSCUC re UCLA Reaccreditation Review
November 27, 2019 Skip Brown Third-Party Comment to WSCUC re UCLA Reaccreditation Review
December 13, 2019 WSCUC Team Report on Reaccreditation of UCLA
December 17, 2019 Heather Mac Donald Third-Party Comment to WSCUC re UCLA Reaccreditation
January 13, 2020 Enstrom Third-Party Comment to WSCUC on DEI re UCLA Reaccreditation
January 16, 2020 ZOA Third-Party Comment to WSCUC on Antisemitism re UCLA Reaccreditation
January 20, 2020 Regent Montoya Third-Party Comment to WSCUC re UCLA Reaccreditation
February 26, 2020 WSCUC Letter of Reaccreditation of UCLA
April 3, 2020 UCLA Dean Turner Email to Enstrom re WSCUC Reaccreditation of UCLA
April 12, 2020 So Cal News Group Enstrom-Klausner OpEd "California's Coronavirus Response Must Use Data"
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April 23, 2020 Daily Signal Enstrom OpEd "Flawed Models Show Why COVID-19 Policies Must Consider Total Mortality"
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June 15, 2020 Daily Signal Enstrom OpEd "Reopening of California Justified by Lower Total of COVID-19 Deaths"
August 15, 2020 DDP Enstrom Talk "Reforming Higher Education: University of California as a Case Study"
August 27, 2020 Enstrom Email to UCOP VP Pamela Brown re Bleemer Prop 209 Data & Sander
September 1, 2020 Enstrom Declaration re UCOP VP Brown and Bleemer re Proposition 209
September 4, 2020 Richard Sander Rebuttal to 082120 UCOP Bleemer Attack on Proposition 209
September 18, 2020 Enstrom Email to Health Officer Muntu Davis re Grace Church Lockdown
October 4, 2020 Great Barrington Declaration on Ending Lockdowns and Using "Focused Protection"
October 13, 2020 Santa Clara County Plaintiffs' Lawsuit Against Newsom Pan Cody re COVID-19 Lockdown
October 16, 2020 Enstrom Daily Signal OpEd "Ending California's Lockdown on Churches is Compatible with Science and Good Health
October 27, 2020 Health Officer Munto Savis Email to Enstrom re Grace Church Lockdown
February 8, 2021 Enstrom Declaration Text for Reopening California Churches Case 2-20-CV-00832
February 8, 2021 Enstrom Full Declaration for Reopening California Churches Case 2-20-CV-00832
December 15, 2023 Genetic Literacy Project Statement "In Defense of Universalism in Science"
4) Documents Related to the Career of Enstrom
Childhood Poster of The Ten Commandments
June 3, 1958 Gompers Junior High School Chess Mastery Certificate
May 18, 1961 Bank of America and NEL Award and Enstrom Lincoln High Honors Math Project on Primative Pythagorean Triples
March 4, 1965 Carl D. Anderson Letter Admitting Enstrom at Harvey Mudd College to Caltech Physics Ph.D. Program
June 1965 Harvey Mudd College YearBook and Enstrom Graduation Page
June 4, 1965 Harvey Mudd College Dean Eugene Hotchkiss Handwritten Note to Enstrom re Graduation As Co-Valedictorian
June 6, 1965 Harvey Mudd College BS Diploma for Enstrom
Autumn 1969 Stanford Student Directory
July 27, 1970 Stanford University PhD Oral Examination for Enstrom
October 1, 1970 Stanford University PhD Diploma for Enstrom
May 22, 1972 Doll letter to Enstrom
July 3, 1972 Wynder Letter to Enstrom
July 1973 College Rater 'Where the Colleges Rank
August 1, 1972 Lilienfeld Letter to Enstrom
April 9, 1973 Finster Letter to Enstrom Regarding ACS IRG Award
August 27, 1973 Detels Letter Proposing Enstrom for Rogers Fellowship
September 10, 1973 Enstrom Letter to Henderson and October 30, 1973 Response
October 11, 1973 Young Letter Awarding Enstrom Rogers Fellowship
November 18, 1974 Mormon Health Study Press Washington Post
January 1976 Family Circle Enstrom Mormon Study
February 12, 1976 UCLA Cancer Epidemiology Postdoctoral Certificate for Enstrom
June 18, 1976 UCLA Master in Public Health Diploma for Enstrom
February 24, 1977 Breslow Letter to Enstrom re Deans Council Dinner
March 1, 1977 UCLA SPH Dean's Council Founding Member Certificate
November 21, 1977 Goodman Letter to Enstrom re Deans Council Member
July 1, 1978 UCLA School of Public Health Building Use Permit for Enstrom
August 23, 1978 NCIMonographPopulationsLowRiskCancerParticipants
September 9, 1980 NY Times Poisoning America Enstrom Op Ed
August 1, 1981 American College of Epidemiology Fellowship Certificate for Enstrom
January 4, 1984 ACSH Elizabeth Whelan Letter and NYT OpEd re Enstrom as Scientific Advisor
December 6, 1989 Mormon Health Study Press UT WSJ LAT
September 1, 1990 Who's Who in America Certificate for James E. Enstrom
March 26, 2007 ACSH Whelan Memo and 2005-2006 ACSH Annual Report
November 4, 2008 LATimes UC Campaign Contributions to Obama & McCain
January 31, 2009 Claremont McKenna College Biszantz Family Tennis Center Dedication Program
September 27, 2010 CA SoS Voter Guide Argument Against Proposition 23
November 2, 2010 CA SoS Voter Guide Proposition 23 & Arguments
April 4, 2011 NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study (NADHS) Instructions for Obtaining AARP Data for Extramural Investigators
July 22, 2011 Enstrom Comments re LADWP Stone Canyon Reservoir EIR
April 15, 2012 New York Times Obituary "Dr. Lester Breslow Dies at 97" with Mention of Enstrom
August 1, 2015 Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Meeting: Enstrom and Singer Photo in front of "Merchants of Doubt" Movie Poster (
January 16, 2017 HMC Martin Luther King Jr. Day Statement with Criticism by Alumnus "AKaye"
January 12, 2019 Enstrom Blocked from 2009-2019 HMC Speaking
February 12, 2019 Enstrom Email to Lynn RE HMC Physics Grads & Stanford
May 28, 2020 Inside Climate News by Marianne Lavelle "How a Contrarian Scientist Helped Trump's EPA Defy Mainstream Science"
June 11, 2020 Newsmakers with Jerry Roberts "special-report-the-renegade-california-scientist-helping-trump-dismantle-environmental-law"
July 1 and July 8, 2020 Enstrom Emails to Conservative HMC Professors re Academic Decline
August 5, 2020 Enstrom Email to IECA Holly Hauser re Facts About HMC Academic Decline
August 7, 2020 Critique of HMC "Harvey Mudd College Today" by Alumnus "Bob"
October 23, 2020 Enstrom Email to HMC Physics Chair Lynn re Particles for Justice & HMC Decline
January 13, 2021 Trustee Bonner Defense of Robert A. Millikan to Caltech Trustees
August 2, 2021 HMC 'Healthy Excellence' Report to WSCUC for Harvey Mudd College Reaccreditation Review
September 21, 2021 Enstrom First Third-Party Comment to WSCUC re Harvey Mudd College Reaccreditation Review
September 21, 2021 Enstrom Second Third-Party Comment to WSCUC re Harvey Mudd College Reaccreditation Review
September 25, 2021 Enstrom Email to HMC Trustee Chair Bean re Visit With WSCUC Reaccreditation Team
October 28, 2021 'Harvey Mudd College 2022+' Bob Hately Analysis of 'Healthy Excellence' Reaccreditation Report
November 29, 2021 Enstrom Email to NACAC Counselors Recommending Against Anti-STEM HMC' replaces 'November 29, 2021 Enstrom Email to NCACC Counselors Opposing Anti-STEM HMC'
April 7, 2022 Enstrom Email to Kristine Johnson re HMC Presidential Search Criticism
May 6, 2022 Enstrom Retirement from ACSH and Response to Golab re False Claims
March 26, 2022 HMC AABOG Report on HMC National College Rankings
September 7, 2022 Enstrom Email to Bonner Criticizing Caltech Ban on Millikan
December 27, 2022 Enstrom Email to Harriet Nembhard Requesting Rename HMC
July 8, 2023 Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Beckmann Scientific Truth Award to Enstrom

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